Segmented 3D model (from CT scans) showing lungs and air-sacs of a domestic hen, in left lateral view.Key (roughly left-to-right): cyan: trachea; yellow: interclavical air-sac; orange: lung; green: cranial thoracic air-sac; white: caudal thoracic air-sac; blue: abdominal air-sac; pi...
Here’s D10 and the sacrum ofDiplodocusAMNH 516 in left lateral and ventral view, from Osborn (1904: fig. 3). Note how the big lateral pneumatic foramina, here labeled ‘pleurocoelia’, start out up at the top of the centrum in D10 and kind of pinch out up there, seemingly entirely...
Cranial articular processes in these images are labeled with straight arrows, and caudal articular processes are labeled with curved arrows. (A) Lateral view of cranial thoracic spine, bone specimen. (B) Lateral radiographic projection of the cranial thoracic spine. (C) T1-weighted sagittal ...
Fig. 1.2. Sagittal and axial view of cervical vertebrae.(Source: The body of the seventh cervical vertebra, C7, is unique in its appearance as the lateral mass is more elongated in...
The cervical vertebrae allow for a wide range of motion, including flexion, extension, rotation, and lateral bending of the neck. Thoracic Vertebrae The thoracic vertebrae are situated in the upper back region and consist of twelve bones labeled T1 to T12. These vertebrae are larger and stronger...
my local Michaels is already on 40% discount, getting sold off cheap to make room for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The realistic skulls-on-stands originally sold for $25, at which price I might balk, but for $15 they seem like a steal. The little labeled teaching skulls are down to $...
At the bottom of the image I labeledsegmental musclesandintermuscular septum. You’ve seen these before, although you may not have known it: they make the zig-zag patterns in the meat of fishes, where we call the segmental musclesmyomeres(“muscle parts”) and each intermuscular septum amyo...
Fig. 1.2.Sagittal and axial view of cervical vertebrae. (Source: The body of theseventh cervical vertebra, C7, is unique in its appearance as the lateral mass is more elongated in ...
Assuming the scale bar is supposed to be 1 meter (and not 20 meters or 2.0 meters as it is labeled) yields a summed cervical length of 13.4 meters, a summed dorsal length of 3.39 meters, and a cervical/dorsal ratio of 3.96–all admirably close, off by no more than 4cm across 16+...
In addition toQijianglong, some other basal eusauropods have prominent epipophyses. Probably the best known isJobaria; Sereno et al. (1999: fig. 3) figured and labeled the epipophysis in one of the cervical vertebrae. The vertebra image in that figure is tiny (nice work, glam-magz!)...