was found that combined training (aerobic training and resistance training) was the most effective modality followed by hybrid training type (muscle-strengthening and dynamic cardiovascular exercises) [3]. Likewise, it has been observed that high-intensity interval exercise training (HIIT) has an effec...
A group of patients suffering Knee Ostearthritis (KOA) will be asked to execute 30 minutes of Aerobic Exercises seated on a chair. The intensity of the exercise is in the range of 50-70% maximal heart rate.This 30 minutes are organized as follows: *Five minutes of warm-up: In a ...
Plain radiographs (antero-posterior and axillary projections) of the affected shoulder will be obtained routinely for all patients to exclude glenohumeral arthritis and other pathology that could lead to similar clinical presentation (e.g. locked posterior dislocation). Table 3 presents the eligibility ...
Like the older ladies with osteo at my arthritis foundation water class. Or someone in a wheel chair or someone trying to get diagnosed. Reply Betty July 6, 2011 at 4:31 pmPermalink After years of living with RA and hearing you look great! I gave up! My husband see’s the pain ...
Strength exercise: 20 min multi-joint strength exercises with body weight (chair lunges, side lateral raises, seated leg raises and squats), 3 sets for 8–12 repetitions with 40 s rest. The intensity was calculated according to the Borg scale (approximately on a 5 to 6 score from feelings...