poem poesy poet laureate theatrics topos tragedy tragicomic trilogySee more results »(Definition offree versefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press) Examples from literature Amy writes poetry, free verse. At times he thought of taking to free verse...
poem poetry lyricist verse text engine jzavorohina •1.0.1•2 years ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.0.1,2 years ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 24 quran-cli2 The Holy Quran for the commandline. Allah quran holy koran
Next time you call someone’s sudden death a tragedy, you may be delving into the wholly inappropriate territory of comedy. Because funnily enough, the word tragedy is Greek for ‘goat song’. The actual Greek word is tragoidia. (Tragos = ‘goat’. Oidia = ‘song’.) You see, ancient...
Sarah’s Poem In the spirit of brevity, I will borrow Alison Malee’s voice in “Bravery” for my own. I like the way she uses the poem as a definition and then moves into a simile. Hips are a thing in my family. I inherited hips and started thinking about what shapes in nature ...
Séadna(shay'-na) is Gaelic for passage.The Séadnas aredan direachor direct meter requiring alliteration in each line. The Séadna alternate syllable count from line to line. They are written with cywddydd (harmony of sound) and dunadh (ending the poem with the same word, phrase or li...
Mount Lu falls: a magnificent view of the poem written concerning the Mount Lu falls, reflecting the poet's love for the motherland beautiful rivers and mountains of a country. Everlasting longing for you: "Everlasting longing for each other", "Yuefu zaqu lyrics" old topic. It is taken fr...
An API wrapper for Quran on top of quran.com pranta-das •1.0.5•5 months ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.0.5,5 months ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 42 multi-part-range-compare Given a multi-part range (think day/hour/minute or chapter/verse), check to see if a valu...
treated the poem as an unfolding process rather than a containing form. Olson’sMaximus Poems(1953–68) showed a clearaffinitywith the jagged line and uneven flow of Pound’sCantosand Williams’sPaterson.Allen Ginsberg’s incantatory, prophetic “Howl” (1956) and his moving elegy for his mot...
2) commenting poem with poem 以诗评《诗》 1. The practice of commenting poem with poem is a technique commonly used in critical punctuation of"Poetry". 本文试以所见明末诸家诗经评点中以诗评《诗》之处作一粗略统计与论述,初步揭示《诗经》评点中以诗评《诗》的面貌。 更多例句>> ...