Dantesque Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations --- Select a language: Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. Link...
VII E 16, is a relevant example. The poem is “disassembled,” with single passages thickly glossed. The codex includes an “Ordine delle desinenze di messer Dante poeta” and an “Ordine delle desinenze di M. Francesco Petrarca” (IIv); “Rimari della Commedia e dei Rerum Vulgarium F...
strate (and chronologically implausible), but also reductive. Rather, in bothworks, Dante confronts a similar problem. In both letter and poem, he exploresthe potential discrepancy between de jure authority and de facto power, be-tween “vuolsi così” and “si puote.”In cantos VIII–IX, ...
(Dan Brown, Inferno)Inferno 1 is the first canto in Dante’s Divine Comedy and perhaps the most famous of the epic poem. Dante, author and protagonist of the poem, is in the middle of the journey of his life, in a dark forest. It is horrible, tangled, and wild, and only the memo...
The promise is fulfilled in theepic poemThe Divine Comedy, which he composed many years later. In that poem, he expresses his exalted andspiritual lovefor Beatrice, who is his intercessor in theInferno, his purpose in traveling throughPurgatorio, and his guide throughParadiso. ...
Here is my interpretation of a poem by Simonides commemorating the Spartan heroes who died defending the "hot gates" of Thermopylae from invading Persians: Passerby, Tell the Spartans we lie Lifeless at Thermopylae: Dead at their word, Obedient to their command. Have they heard? Do they unders...