Tricia, one of the POETRY SISTERSsuggested we write a tanka followed by a haiku in response to it. It was written in honor of the doctors and nurses in the N.I.C.U at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. It was a wonderfully supportive place, kind and professional. THE ...
In my years of teaching and playing,one unique instrument I constantly came across was the 2-string guitar. Often, these were homemade guitars, customized as per the players’ needs. These beautifully simplistic instruments hold their own distinctive position in the music world. This form of gui...
So that was a snippet of my world these days, a little lazy, a little scared and on edge for the future, but mostly very grateful…..for blueberries and for life. I sincerely hope you have moments of solitude in your part of the world as well and that you are able to find time t...