On Thursday I took my licensing exam and was so relieved to have passed. As I was driving home from Milwaukee after the exam, I was reminded of the wonderfully supportive friends that we have here in Madison. My good friend Elizabeth, not only stored our belongings for this past year, bu...
Today was a bust. I think we all have days like mine was today where we not only don’t get anything wonderfully above and beyond accomplished, we don’t even manage to knock out the basics. Nephi testified that he, “did liken all scriptures unto [his people], that it might be for...
That the Lord Jesus Christ came to give "life" in its primary sense, is also taught in the beautiful language of John 10:10-18: "The thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly...
It is a pictorial word, and wonderfully expressive. It represents the soul on a stretch of earnest and intense desire. "Intensely" would perhaps come as near translating it as any English word. It is the word used of our Lord in Luke 22:44 where it is said, "He prayed more earnestly...