18 For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted. It mentions Jesus as High Priest in heaven, where He is now. And Hebrews 4: 14 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God...
When I think about reflecting on the goodness, majesty, and holiness of Christ, I cannot help but go toLuke 2:19. Mary was given the great privilege of being His mother on earth. Early on in Jesus’ life when He was just a little baby, Mary was given the gift of being in awe of...
In Matthew 4:1-11; we find Jesus tempted by Sataninverse3;the pride of lifeinverse6;and the lust of the eyesinverses8&9. calvarygs.org calvarygs.org 馬太福音 4:1-11;在第 3 節經文中,我們發現耶穌被撒但試 探; 在第 6 節經文中發現今生的驕傲; 在第 8、9 節的經文中發現眼目的情慾...
This is why this particular piece of revelation is so important for each and every Christian to not only have the knowledge of, but to also abide by it and not be tempted to ever cross over into some of these forbidden areas with the Lord. These boundary lines are being set up by the...
The big companies(canon and fanon) have to see these cheap weapons being bought up by the truckload and wonder how low they can/dare cut their own prices to capture market-share, while not feeling tempted to cut corners and diminish reliability or safety.I don't know how they'll manage ...
Like A Rock Chapter 4 Well Played ** Unfortunately, the children weren’t bothered by being placed on the roof of the house. Instead of complaining, they demanded I fly with them to race the jets leaving Barksdale for night maneuvers. They didn’t seem t