Jesus was tempted Forty days and appeared eleven times during Forty days after His Resurrection. Punishment by flogging was limited to Forty stripes save one. All these instances show that God was not hasty in His judgments, but gave man ample time for a fair trial....
That was until I accidentally ran across the manuscript of Dr. Evan Williams online. Since it was written specifically for Christians, I decided to order the book. When I received it in the mail, I felt like Indiana Jones discovering a long lost treasure. The book was actually a very ...
When Jesus came, type met anti-type. There was no longer a need to have ceremonies and laws that pointed forward to Jesus. Now they had the life and teachings of Jesus and that teacher (using types) ended. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might ...
And: We shall reign on the earth (cf 22:5). Revelation reveals a future when heaven and earth will be joined together, and God’s servants shall reign forever and ever. We will reign, because Jesus has made us a kingdom. We do not position ourselves for this honored position. Jesus ...
Mark 16:17 – right before Jesus ascended into heaven, He prophesied “they will speak in new tongues.” There are only four instances in the New Testament where people speak in tongues: 1– Acts 2:3 – when the Holy Spirit descended upon the twelve apostles on Pentecost Sunday, they beg...
"When the LORD hastens, His speed is glorious." A Daily Devotional by SpurgeonTo Be READY For HIS RETURN: You must presently, willfully and actively be TRUSTING the LORD Jesus Christ, and HIM ONLY, for everything pertaining to this life and the life hereafter....
Thank you for already knowing that this season would take place. Thank you that no matter what we face or are going to face, you are already there. Father, thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for being committed to loving us and caring for us, even when we do not deserve anythi...
It is clear that Jesus memorized Scripture from the fact that he so often quoted Scripture when he was talking to others. Both the Old and New Testament authors consistently quote Scripture. Do you know someone who consistently memorizes Scripture? Ask what it has meant to his or her ...
Jesus is the Firstborn of course, but the purpose of his existence, at least in this passage, was for the expansion of the family, and the character of those in the family.The Firstborn among many brothers. As we read through the Word, we come across quantitative words, such as “...
When God brings us to a situation that seems too much to handle, we can ask Him for deliverance. I’ve always been heartened by the fact that Jesus prayed in Gethsemane, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done” (Luke 22...