For my final project I decided to make a verilog simulator. This simulator accepts verilog code from the front end and runs a simulator in the backend. The results from the simulation are then displayed on the front end for the user. FEATURES This project is user friendly with only 3 compo...
cpprtlverilogcompilerssystemcsystem-verilogverilatorverilog-simulator UpdatedJan 28, 2025 C++ SI-RISCV/e200_opensource Star2.7k Code Issues Pull requests Deprecated, please go to next generation Ultra-Low Power RISC-V Core ...
On a single thread Verilator is about 100 times faster than interpreted Verilog simulators such as Icarus Verilog. Another 2-10x speedup might be gained from multithreading (yielding 200-1000x total over interpreted simulators). 但是: Icarus is a full featured interpreted Verilog simulator. If Veri...
HDL Bits Solution Github上有HDL Bits的solution,可以作为HDL Bits练习的参考答案。viduraakalanka/HDL-B... h...
首先,在Verilator 的 Github 仓库点击最新的版本,下载源代码并解压。 然后需要保证系统中有 binutils, gcc, perl, flex, bison 等编译工具链。此步骤目前最好的方式是使用Cygwin(一个可原生运行于 Windows 系统上的 POSXI 兼容环境)来安装以上工具,并编译Verilator。
最近在github上看到一个AXI示例,非常详细,想看一看学习,作者表示运行需要预装Icarus verilog,虽然三大EDA的仿真软件都玩过,但这个软件我并不熟悉,遂在自己的虚拟机上安装并了解了一些内容 Icarus Verilog is not aimed at being a simulator in the traditional sense, but a compiler that generates code employed ...
Tags: FPGA simulator synthesis Verilog0 Kudos Reply _AK6DN_ Valued Contributor II 04-21-2023 03:19 PM 9,758 Views Both of these are free and good simulators for verilog code: I use icarus veril...
For a view of the current state of Icarus Verilog, see its home page at Icarus Verilog is not aimed at being a simulator in the traditional sense, but a compiler that generates code employed by back-end tools. For instructions on how to run ...