直接在VerilogA模型中写入随机函数,对于特定参数进行设定标准差下的高斯分布变化,然后进行多次仿真,进而完成蒙特卡洛仿真。 这种思路在理论上可行的,根据《Cadence® Verilog®-A Language Reference》[1]P147所示,我们可以利用$arandom函数来进行直接蒙卡仿真。 事实上,在cadence官方的在线支持中也有给出一个直接进行V...
AMD Vivado™ Simulator Cadence® Xcelium™ Siemens EDA ModelSim® & QuestaSim® Synopsys VCS® Synthesis AMD Vivado™ Synthesis Synopsys Synplify Pro® Synopsys Design Compiler® Siemens EDA Precision® RTL The course includes specific lab support for tool sets from the leading FPGA ven...
There are two separate ways of declaring a Verilog process. These are the always and the initial keywords. The always keyword indicates a free-running process. The initial keyword indicates a process executes exactly once. Both constructs begin execution at simulator time 0, and both execute until...
Simulate and debug VHDL and Verilog designs VeriLogger Extreme: high-performance Verilog 2001 simulator BugHunter Pro: graphical debugger for all HDL simulators Gigawave Viewer: VCD/SPICE waveform viewer Gates-on-the-Fly: netlist analyzer Create and Navigate Verilog and VHDL Code ...
on the overhead of having a mixed-mode simulator. In other cases, where there is a large Verilog-A, models lend themselves well to creating basic signal sources and measurement blocks in testbenches. This is especially true for wireless ...
A Verilog test fixture code which initializes and maintains the reset and clock signals is executed in ISim simulator which is embedded inside Xilinx ISE. A NOVEL REVERSIBLE FAULT TOLERANT MICROPROCESSOR DESIGN IN AMS 0.35UM PROCESS For building the chip from the Verilog code, the first step is...
Central to achieving this was the use of C-language functional models of the subsystem ASICs in a flexible, mixed-level, mixed-language simulation environment. Although the first generation of this simulation environment, known as "NGLE" has been used successfully for a number of years, that ...
[Mike Engelhardt] is a name that should be very familiar to the hardcore electronics nerd. [Mike] is the developer responsible for LTSpice, which is quite likely the most widely used spice-compatible simulator in the free software domain. When you move away from digital electronics and the co...
NC-Verilog, Multiple Step mode 你可以编译了源文件,描述了设计然后用ncvlog,ncelab和ncsim命令启动仿真器(simulator),见NC-Verilog Simulator Help 中的Multi-Step Invocation (Library-Based Mode章节。 NC-Verilog, Single Step mode 你可以用ncverilog命令完成对源文件的编译和描述。见NC-Verilog Simulator Help的...
a bit more. On top of that, I’ll show you how to get the thing to run in an online simulator so you can experiment with no software installation. Of course, if you are comfortable with a Verilog toolchain (like the ones from Xilinx or Altera, or even free ones like Icarus or C...