42、 #3 q = 1; #10 q = 0; wait (! set);end竞争rtl描述举例描述举例module dff (q, qb, d, clk); output q, qb; input d, clk; reg q, qb; always ( posedge clk) begin q = d; qb = d; endendmodule下面的rtl例子中只使用单个边沿敏感时序控制。 块语句块语句块语句用来将多个语句...
input a, b; inout c; output d, e; … <语句> //执行任务工作相应的语句 … c = foo1; //赋初始值 d = foo2; //对任务的输出变量赋值t e = foo3; endtask 任务调用: my_task(v,w,x,y,z); 任务调用变量(v,w,x,y,z)和任务定义的I/O变量(a,b,c,d,e)之间是一一对应的。 当任务...
SIGNAL counter_set : STD_LOGIC; --sync reset to zero SIGNAL counter_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(counter_size DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0'); --counter output BEGIN counter_set <= flipflops(0) xor flipflops(1); --determine when to start/reset counter PROCESS(clk) BEGIN IF(clk'EVENT and...
但是网站上只有module的v文件,如下 moduletop_module(inputclk,inputareset,// async active-high reset to zeroinputload,inputena,input[3:0]data,outputreg[3:0]q);always@(posedgeclkorposedgeareset)beginif(areset)beginq<=4'd0;endelseif(load)beginq<=data;endelseif(ena)beginq<={1'b0,q[3:1...
sizeDOWNTO0):=(OTHERS=>'0');--counter outputBEGINcounter_set<=flipflops(0)xorflipflops(1);--determine when to start/reset counterPROCESS(clk)BEGINIF(clk'EVENT and clk = '1')THENflipflops(0)<=button;flipflops(1)<=flipflops(0);If(counter_set='1')THEN--reset counter because input is ...
DATAIHALTILOAD_IRIR_ADDRWRIRDILOAD_ACCINC_PCLOAD_PCRISCCPU中各部件的相互连接关系中各部件的相互连接关系RTL 视图顶层模块n代码:module CPU(zero,clk,reset,halt,rd,wr,ir_addr,addr,data,inc_pc,rom_sel,ram_sel, accum,load_acc,datactl_ena,opcode,alu_clk);ninput clk,reset;noutput zero,rd,wr...
You are given a module my_dff8 with two inputs and one output (that implements a set of 8 D flip-flops). Instantiate three of them, then chain them together to make a 8-bit wide shift register of length 3. In addition, create a 4-to-1 multiplexer (not provided) that chooses what...
#(parameterN=4)// bus size(input logic[N-1:0]data,output logic[$clog2(N):0]low_bit);timeunit 1ns;timeprecision 1ns;logic done;// local flagalways_comb begin// find lowest bit that is set in a vectorlow_bit='0;done='0;for(int i=0;i<=N-1;i++)beginif(!done)beginif(...
net_nex_input.cc Let void functions in always_comb block contribute to sensitivity list Dec 27, 2022 net_nex_output.cc Remove "using namespace std" from compiler header files and fix the f… Nov 5, 2021 net_proc.cc Add compiler support for break and continue Jan 16, 2023 net_scope.cc...
parameter int p = 'h764321098; // Number of bits set a04a (35) wider than the expected bit width (32) parameter signed [36] q = 'h764321098; Local parameter has to be initialized The Verilog standard requires that local parameters are initialized (rule 69). localparam p; // initializ...