pos2bin.sv converts positional (one-hot) value to binary representation pos2bin.sv converts positional (one-hot) value to binary representation prbs_gen_chk.sv PRBS pattern generator or checker pulse_gen.sv generates pulses with given width and delay pulse_stretch.sv configurable pulse stretcher...
pos2bin - converts positional (one-hot) value to binary representation prbs_gen_chk - PRBS pattern generator or checker pulse_gen - generates pulses with given width and delay pulse_stretch - configurable pulse stretcher/extender module reset_set - SR trigger variant w/o metastable state...
.miso_valid(), // out: one-shot pulse when miso_word is valid to read @@ -36,13 +34,11 @@ spi_master #(module spi_master #( parameter WordWidth = 8, parameter IndexWidth = 3, parameter SPOL = 0, parameter CPOL = 0,
vertical sync is also a short pulse also except it is transmitted at end of each frame transmission instead of at the end of each row transmission. The purpose of the vertical sync is to help retain the frame by frame synchronization of the outputs. This basically means that the vertical ...
install +partialdesign Allow elaboration of partially-defined design +pathpulse Set pulse limits according to PATHPULSE$ -pathtran Kill pathdelays touching multiple tran gates +plimapfile=arg Specify VPI and/or PLI mapping file(s) +plinooptwarn Suppress PLI messages caused by limited access +...
linux系统下ncverilog详细命令.doc,ncverilog: 08.10-p002: (c) Copyright 1995-2008 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Usage: ncverilog [options] files File languages: Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, e, System-C, C, C++ In addition to the dash options all ncverilog