fifo_counter is incremented ifwrite takes place and buffer is not full and will be decremented id read takesplace and buffer is not empty. If both read and write takes place, counter willremain the same. fifo_counter写而未满时增加1,读而未空时减1。同时发生读写操作时,fifo_counter不变。 r...
6.3.1 Synchronous FIFO Requirements ...…… 1706.3.2 Verification Plan …….. 1826.3.3 RTL Design ..…... 1916.3.4 Simulation ……. 1936.3.5 Formal Verification ..……. 193Exercises .. 1957 FORMAL VERIFICATION USING ASSERTIONS .. 1997.1 FV METHODOLOGY ……….. 2007.1.1 Model Checkin...
[1]:Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) Design & VerificationTechniques Using SystemVerilog [2]:Mike Stein, Paradigm Works.Crossing the abyss:asynchronous signals in a synchronous world [3]:Clifford E. Cummings.Simulation and Synthesis Techniques for Asynchronous FIFO Design [4]:Ran Ginosar.Metastability and...
Adder, Full Adder, Mux, ALU, D Flip Flop, Sequence Detector using Mealy machine and Moore machine, Number of 1s, Binary to Gray Conversion, Up down counter, Clock Divider, PIPO, n bit universal shift register, 4 bit LFSR, Single port RAM, Dual port RAM, Synchronous FIFO, Asynchronous F...
我们实现的是read_cnt 和 write_cnt使用同一个时钟的情况,即synchronous FIFO; 关于async的实现,可以参考Advanced Digital Design With the Verilog HDL 2nd》chap9.7, async 考虑的则是跨时钟域通信的问题了。 代码如下: module fifo #( parameter WIDTH = 32, // data width is 32-bit ...
29 - Synchronous Asynchronous Set Reset 14:56 30 - Describing Registers in Verilog 26:47 31 - Introduction to Counters in Verilog 01:16 32 - Asynchronous VS Synchronous Counters 24:54 33 - Up Down Load Counters 20:26 34 - Modulus Counters 12:01 35 - BCD & Multi-Decade Counters 06:04...
only one bit change at a time, but rest of the bits can be one or zero. Gray coding is popularly used when interfacing between two different clock domains. One more the example is that dual clock FIFO uses gray coding to avoid any mismatch between the post-layout simulation and pre-layou...
For IP and ARP support only, useip_complete(1G) orip_complete_64(10G/25G). For UDP, IP, and ARP support, useudp_complete(1G) orudp_complete_64(10G/25G). Top level gigabit and 10G/25G MAC modules areeth_mac_*, with various interfaces and with/without FIFOs. Top level 10G/25G...
21.Timing Analysis does not support the analysis of latches as synchronous elements for the currently selected device family 原因:用analyze_latches_as_synchronous_elements setting可以让Quaruts II来分析同步锁存,但目前的器件不支持这个特性 措施:无须理会。时序分析可能将锁存器分析成回路。但并不一定分析正...
verilog +incdir+/home/deepak/vlib syn_fifo_assert.v fifo_tb.v ram_dp_ar_aw.v 1//===2// Function : Synchronous (single clock) FIFO3// With Assertion4// Coder : Deepak Kumar Tala5// Date : 1-Nov-20056//===7// synopsys translate_off8`defineOVL_ASSERT_ON9`defineOVL_INIT_MSG10...