HDL语言是分层次的、类型的,最常用的层次概念有系统与标准级、功能模块级,行为级,寄存器传输级和门级。 系统级,算法级,RTL级(行为级),门级,开关级 2、FPGA的可综合和不可综合有哪些? 可综合:aupply0、supply1、buf、buff0、buff1、notif0、notif1、integer、for、function、instantitation、operators。 不可...
1、算术运算2、比较运算3、赋值运算4、逻辑运算5、成员运算6、身份运算7、位运算code 8、运算符优先级 9、菜鸟教程 -- 更多内容 --> 请猛击 http://www.runoob.com/python/python-operators.html Verilog基本知识 特大型(千万门级以上)系统设计。2、采用Verilog设计的最大优点就是其工艺无关性。 3、软核,硬...
modulelogical_operators (); regr_A =1'b1; regr_B =1'b0; // Initial statement is not synthesizable (test code only) initial begin #10; if(r_A || r_B) $display("Either r_A or r_B is 1"); else $display("Neither r_A or r_B is 1"); ...
1)所有综合工具都支持的结构:always,assign,begin,end,case,wire,tri,aupply0,supply1,reg,integer,default,for,function,and,nand,or,nor,xor,xnor,buf,not,bufif0,bufif1,notif0,notif1,if,inout,input,instantitation,module,negedge,posedge,operators,output,parameter。 2)所有综合工具都不支持的结构:time...
Verilog程序由符号流构成,符号包括空白符(Whitespace)注释(Comments)操作符(Operators)数字(Numbers)字符串(Strings)标识符(Identifiers)关键字(Keywords)等 空白符和注释 空白符(Whitespace)空白符包括:空格、tab、换行和换页。空白符使代码错落有致,阅读起来更方便。在综合...
Reduction operators 一、问题描述 Parity checking is often used as a simple method of detecting errors when transmitting data through an imperfect channel. Create a circuit that will compute a parity bit for a 8-bit byte (which will add a 9th bit to the byte). We will use "even" parity,...
9 Algorithms and Architectures for Digital Processors 10 Architectures for Arithmetic Processors 11 Postsynthesis Design Tasks A Verilog Primitives B Verilog Keywords C Verilog Data Types D Verilog Operators E Verilog Language Formal Syntax F Verilog Language Formal Syntax G Additional Features of Verilog ...
reduction operators 常用于把一个 vector 的所有位都异或起来 & a[3:0]// AND: a[3]&a[2]&a [1]&a[0]. Equivalent to (a[3:0] == 4'hf)| b[3:0]// OR: b[3]|b [2]|b[1]|b[0]. Equivalent to (b[3:0] != 4'h0)^ c[2:0]// XOR: c[2]^c[1]^c[0] ...
“==” and “===” operators: The “==” are synthesizable while “===” operators are not synthesizable. If either of the operand in “==” has x or z the the result is always x while “===” compare x and z too. The same is true for “!=” and “!==” operators. ...