This page contains tidbits on writing FSM in verilog, difference between blocking and non blocking assignments in verilog, difference between wire and reg, metastability, cross frequency domain interfacing, all about resets, FIFO depth calculation,Typica
files to process before any other sources. Note: This feature is not supported when packaging a custom IP. After packaging, the Vivado tool treats global `include files as standard Verilog or Verilog Header files. To package a design that uses global ‘include files, you must modify the HDL ...
I was trying to write a verilog code for a memory module which has has a bidirectional inout port for the data. But I also want to output high impedance during write or if MEM_OE(output enable) is not set. But my code as below cannot simulate the reading ...
I am new to Vivado. I have the following ifdef code in .v files. `ifdef EM_EMULATION_MODE I put EM_EMULATION_MODE in Project Settings|General|Language Options|Verilog options. Please see attached screen shot. The definition seems not taking effect. The Vivado is still complaing a module r...
추천 0 링크 번역 I have matlab code. I want same to be converted to verilog-A. 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 이 질문에 답변하려면 로그인하십시오.답...
I would like to ask anyone here can please teach me how to use floating-point number in verilog code? For example, I got a formula, y=100*p^(1000/5255); if I enter p=100000, I want my y value=894 Is it possible to do that in verilog? Thanks. Best regard, TWK ...
I know that the last code is not possible because TYPE_OFFSET is a constant but here is the question again... there is any way to modify this constant in a time of execution? I hope this has been clear Thanks for your time and help. ...
I want to convert this code into verilog using HDL Coder. error is in line 2. ex = exp(x); code is saved as SOFTMAX_BLOCK.m functionsoftmax_out = softmax_block(x) ex = exp(x); softmax_out = ex / sum(ex); end code is saved as test_softmax.m ...
Since I'm using Quartus schematics I'm having some troubles in wiring the busses.How can I change the RAM code in order to split the bus into singe address and data pins? Title: Re: How modeling static RAM in Verilog Post by: BrianHG on November 02, 2024, 10:53:46 pm Quote ...
But don’t worry. This article will help you to take your first steps in writing testbenches. How to implement a test bench? Let’s learn how we can write a testbench. Consider the AND module as the design we want to test. Like any Verilog code, start with themodule declaration. ...