Sim options +define+<macro>,用来定义宏,如果source code中也有定义,则被覆盖 +incdir+<directoryname>,指定search path +libext+<extensionname>,指定verilog library的extension文件 -f <filename>.f,加载文件,其中包含source file和simulation option -i,使能interactive debug mode -ovm[-<version>],加载默认的...
再定义一个filelist文件:dut.f ./ ./adder.v ./ 最后就是需要一个Makefile文件了: #!/bin/make all: comp sim comp: vcs -full64 -timescale=1ns/1ps -V -R -sverilog \ -debug_access+all +vc +v2k -kdb \ -l vcs.log \ -f dut.f +define+DUMP_FSDB=1 \ -to...
后仿真的步骤很简单,首先修改一下file_list.f,改成吃网表和单元库: //Macro define+define+FSDB// Source//../src/cic_filter.v//../src/divider64.v// Netlist../icc/outputs/cic_filter_post_layout.v// Library../lib/verilog/smic18.v// Testbench../tb/tb_cic_filter.v 其次取消testbench中...
再定义一个filelist文件:dut.f ./ ./adder.v ./ 最后就是需要一个Makefile文件了: #!/bin/make all: comp sim comp: vcs -full64 -timescale=1ns/1ps -V -R -sverilog \ -debug_access+all +vc +v2k -kdb \ -l vcs.log \ -f dut.f +define+DUMP_FSDB=1 \ -to...
./ 最后就是需要一个Makefile文件了: 代码语言:javascript 复制 #!/bin/makeall:comp simcomp:vcs-full64-timescale=1ns/1ps-V-R-sverilog \-debug_access+all+vc+v2k-kdb \-l vcs.log \-f dut.f+define+DUMP_FSDB=1\-top testsim:./simv-l simv.logclean...
/bin/makeall:comp simcomp:vcs-full64 -timescale=1ns/1ps -V -R -sverilog \\ -debug_access+all +vc +v2k -kdb \\ -l vcs.log \\ -f dut.f +define+DUMP_FSDB=1 \\ -top testsim:./simv-l simv.logclean:rm-rf *~ core csrc simv* vc_hdrs.h ucli.key urg* *.log novas.* ...
(1)VCS编译(vcs_compile):该步骤生成可执行文件,默认为simv (2)VCS仿真(vcs_sim):该步骤执行simv文件 (3)启动Verdi,加载fsdb文件(run_verdi):该步骤启动Verdi,加载VCS仿真结果,查看波形 要启动Verdi,需要在tb文件中加入以下代码 initialbegin$fsdbDumpfile("top.fsdb");$fsdbDumpvars();$fsdbDumpMDA();$dump...
Contrary to CopperSpice, this is not a fork of Qt, but just an alternative set of macro to define Qt objects and signals and slot in a way that is binary compatible with Qt, but does not require moc. This is to be used with the normal Qt. CopperSpice being an entire fork of Qt, ...
Imagine we want to do a macro similar to this: // Naive implementation of a macro that declares a getter function #define DECLARE_GETTER(TYPE, NAME) TYPE get_##NAME() // Can be used like this DECLARE_GETTER(QString, property1); // line A // OK: expands to "QString get_property...
Contrary to CopperSpice, this is not a fork of Qt, but just an alternative set of macro to define Qt objects and signals and slot in a way that is binary compatible with Qt, but does not require moc. This is to be used with the normal Qt. CopperSpice being an entire fork of Qt, ...