-uvmhome <path> :指定UVM安装目录。 +define+<macro> :定义宏,会覆盖源代码中的同名宏。 +incdir+<directory_name> :指定通过include语句声明的文件的搜索路径。 参考: Verdi的使用技巧-CSDN博客
例:verdi的用法 verdi -define UVM_REPORT_DISABLE_FILE_LINE \ //从log里面提取-define/-defineall/+define+/UVM_TESTNAME,和包含参数的文件 +UVM_TR_RECORD +UVM_VERDI_TRACE=HIER +UVM_VERDI_TRACE=RAL -ntb_opts uvm -sv -2012 -ssy -ssz \ -top top_tb \ 从log文件提取-top -f file_list \ ...
9. -full64 //64位编译,生成64位simv 10. -comp64 //64位编译,生成32位simv 11. -debug_pp //生成vpd文件 12. -debug //相对于debug_pp多了UCLI调试功能 13. -debug_all //有相对于debug多了单步调试功能 14. +define+macro1=<value>+macro2=<value>+... //将value传递给源文件中的宏名 15...
2.4 反标宏–Annotate Macro When debugging designs that contain `define macros, it is often helpful to view a macro defination in the context of a macro reference. show tip when moving the cursor over a macro. Source -> Expand Macro(M key)to show macro info. 2.5 Verdi UVM debug Advanced ...
Contrary to CopperSpice, this is not a fork of Qt, but just an alternative set of macro to define Qt objects and signals and slot in a way that is binary compatible with Qt, but does not require moc. This is to be used with the normal Qt. CopperSpice being an entire fork of Qt, ...
+define+macro=value+ 预编译宏定义 -f filename RTL文件列表 +incdir+directory+ 添加include 文件夹 -I 进入交互界面 -l logfile文件名 -P pli.tab 定义PLI的列表(Tab)文件 +v2k 使用推荐的标准 -y 定义verilog的库 -notice 显示详尽的诊断信息 ...
vtags 旨在开发一款在vim/emacs等通用编辑器下, 对verilog/VHDL的设计代码进行类似verdi的信号追踪、显示拓扑等功能的插件,vtags插件完全使用python实现,目前实现了在vim下对verilog设计进行信号追踪、宏定义追踪、显示模块拓扑、快速打开文件、保存和打开vim快照、添加断
Contrary to CopperSpice, this is not a fork of Qt, but just an alternative set of macro to define Qt objects and signals and slot in a way that is binary compatible with Qt, but does not require moc. This is to be used with the normal Qt. CopperSpice being an entire fork of Qt, ...
verdi -define UVM_REPORT_DISABLE_FILE_LINE \ //从log里面提取-define/-defineall/+define+/UVM_TESTNAME,和包含参数的文件 +UVM_TR_RECORD +UVM_VERDI_TRACE=HIER +UVM_VERDI_TRACE=RAL -ntb_opts uvm -sv -2012 -ssy -ssz \ -top top_tb \ 从log文件提取-top ...