例:verdi的用法 verdi -define UVM_REPORT_DISABLE_FILE_LINE \ //从log里面提取-define/-defineall/+define+/UVM_TESTNAME,和包含参数的文件 +UVM_TR_RECORD +UVM_VERDI_TRACE=HIER +UVM_VERDI_TRACE=RAL -ntb_opts uvm -sv -2012 -ssy -ssz \ -top top_tb \ 从log文件提取-top -f file_list \ ...
Contrary to CopperSpice, this is not a fork of Qt, but just an alternative set of macro to define Qt objects and signals and slot in a way that is binary compatible with Qt, but does not require moc. This is to be used with the normal Qt. CopperSpice being an entire fork of Qt, ...
9. -full64 //64位编译,生成64位simv 10. -comp64 //64位编译,生成32位simv 11. -debug_pp //生成vpd文件 12. -debug //相对于debug_pp多了UCLI调试功能 13. -debug_all //有相对于debug多了单步调试功能 14. +define+macro1=<value>+macro2=<value>+... //将value传递给源文件中的宏名 15...
+cmoddefine+macro define cmodule source 'macro' in the form. of XX=YY +define+macro define hdl source 'macro' to have value "macro" +plusarg_save hardwire the plusargs, which follow this flag, into simv +plusarg_ignore turn off +plusarg_save +prof tells vcs to profile the the desig...
verdi -define UVM_REPORT_DISABLE_FILE_LINE \ //从log里面提取-define/-defineall/+define+/UVM_TESTNAME,和包含参数的文件 +UVM_TR_RECORD +UVM_VERDI_TRACE=HIER +UVM_VERDI_TRACE=RAL -ntb_opts uvm -sv -2012 -ssy -ssz \ -top top_tb \ 从log文件提取-top ...