Past Participle 分Verb词Past Tense been/bi:n/be(am, is, are)was /wDz/. were /w3:(r)/bear borne/bo:(r)n/bore/bo:(r)/beat beat/bi:t/beaten/'bi:tn/become became /bi'keim/become /bi'kam/begin began /bi'gaen/begun /br'gan/blow blew /blu:/blown /bloun/break broke /brauk...
Verb Past tense Past participle Verb Past tense Past participle be(am,fall fell fallen is, are)was, were been feed fed fed bore born feel felt felt打beat beat beaten fight fought fought become became become find found found begin began begun fly flew flown吹blow blew blown forget forgot for...
verb-past tense-past participle verb burndreamfreezehanghearhurtlielightproveringshakeshowsinksmellspreadstealstickteachwearbetbuyfit pasttense burned/burntdreamed/dreamtfrozehang/hangedheardhurtlay/liedlighted/litprovedringedshookshowedsanksmelt/smelledspreadstolestucktaughtworebet/bettedboughtfit/fitted pastpati...
Irregular Simple Past and Past Participle Verb Forms Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Arise awake be( am are is ) bear beat become begin bend bet bite bleed blow break bring build burn burst buy catch choose cling come cost creep cut deal dig dive do draw dream drink drive eat ...
Past Participle It refers to an action that was started and completed entirely in the past. We use the past participle when we are talking about the first of two events completed in the past. We must use “has/have/had” before the verb. For example,begunis the participle form of the ...
Past tense Past participle Verb Past tense Past participle Verb feel felt felt be(am,was, were been fight fought fought is, are)found found bear bore born find flown beat beat beaten fly flew forgotten become became become forget forgot begin began get got got/gotten begun blow blew blown ...
Past tense Past participle Verb Past tense Past participle Verb feel felt felt be (am,was, were been is, are)fight fought fought found found bear bore born find beat beat beaten fly flew flown forgotten become became become forget forgot begin began get got got/gotten begun blow blew blown...
The to be verbs are am, are, is, was, and were, along with the bare infinitive be, the present participle being, and the past participle been. In this guide, we explain all you need to know about grammar for the verb to be. We’ll share all the forms and when to use them ...
This is a reference page for participate verb forms in present, past and participle tenses. Find conjugation of participate. Check past tense of participate here.
Passive voicecan be constructed with an infinitive. In a passive construction, the subject of the verb becomes the recipient of the action, not the performer. The passive infinitive is formed by combining “to be” with the past participle of the verb. For example: “The project needs to be...