Past Participles Used in Verb Tenses Examples of Past Participles Used in Verb Tenses Forming the Past Participle (Regular Verbs) Forming the Past Participle (Irregular Verbs) Why Past Participles Are Important A Closer Look at a Past Participle ...
Examples of Past Participle Phrases Reminder of Participles More Examples of Past Participle Phrases Other Types of Participle Phrase Why Past Participle Phrases Are Important Examples of Past Participle Phrases In each of these examples, the past participle phrase is shaded, the past participle is in...
This post will review the various uses and examples of past participle adjectives. What Is a Past Participle Adjective? Past participle adjectives are formed by adding the -ed suffix to the verb root. For example, the word “destroyed” is formed by taking the root “destroy” and adding “...
Past participles and the passive voice Apassive sentenceis a sentence in which the subject is acted upon, instead of being the person or thing that performs the action. Passive sentences are typically formed using aconjugated form of the verb “be”along with apast participle. ...
Uses of Past Participles The past participle can be used in three ways: passive voice, perfect tense, and as an adjective. Passive voice: The subject receives the action. Past participles always come with helping verbs like "be" or "have." ...
The table below shows more examples of the past participles of verbs.Regular verbs Irregular verbs Base form Past participle Base form Past participle visit visited hit hit repair repaired put put live lived meet met move moved make made try tried sell sold study studied give given fit fitted ...
Read about past participles. Learn the definition of a past participle, identify the participles in English, and understand past participle with...
1. Work in groups and read the text again to find as many examples of past participles as possible. Then discuss whether each past participle functions as an attribute,adverbial, predicative, or object complement.EXAMPLE Located to the south of the equator, below many other countries on the gl...
Participle Phrase Examples #7) To make the batter, stir thebeateneggs into the flour. (Beatenis the past participle. It modifieseggs.) Participle Phrase Examples #8)Excited about dinner, Hari ran the whole way home. (Excitedis the past participle, andexcited about dinneris the participial phr...
A participle is a verb form used as an adjective, to create verb tense, or to create the passive voice. There are two types of participle: the present participle (ending 'ing') and the past participle (usually ending -ed, -d, -t, -en, or -n).