The MR BELOW label on the front cover is used by pressmen to designate make-ready (MR) sheets within a stack of printed press sheets. Make-ready sheets, which are used to test ink densities and registration of printing plates prior to final printing, are often overprinted so as to waste...
Define Action Verb. Action Verb synonyms, Action Verb pronunciation, Action Verb translation, English dictionary definition of Action Verb. Verbs are used to indicate the actions, processes, conditions, or states of beings of people or things. Verbs play
Un verbe de concepteur est une commande de menu liée à un gestionnaire d'événements. Designer verbes sont ajoutés au menu contextuel d’un composant au moment de la conception. Dans Visual Studio, chaque verbe du concepteur est également répertorié, à l’aide d’unLinkLabel, dans ...
Un verbe de concepteur est une commande de menu liée à un gestionnaire d'événements. Designer verbes sont ajoutés au menu contextuel d’un composant au moment de la conception. Dans Visual Studio, chaque verbe du concepteur est également répertorié, à l’aide d’unLinkLabel, dans ...
peel away/off/back The label will peel off if you soak it in water. peel something from something He peeled the wet clothes from his back. Extra Examples [intransitive] peel (off) (of a layer that covers something) to come off in narrow or small pieces The wallpaper was beginning ...
He was unceremoniously dropped by his record label. Oxford Collocations Dictionary friends [transitive] drop somebody to stop seeing somebody socially She's dropped most of her old friends. stop [transitive] drop something to stop doing or discussing something; to not continue with something...
设计器谓词会在设计时添加到组件的快捷菜单中。 在 Visual Studio 中,每个设计器谓词也会在属性窗口的“说明”窗格中使用 LinkLabel列出。构造函数 展开表 DesignerVerb(String, EventHandler) 初始化 DesignerVerb 类的新实例。 DesignerVerb(String, EventHandler, CommandID) 初始化 DesignerVerb 类的新实例。
<asp:WebPartZoneID="WebPartZone2"Runat="server"DragHighlightColor="#00ff00"AllowLayoutChange="true"EmptyZoneText="Add WebParts to this empty Zone."BorderWidth="2"BorderColor="DarkBlue"BorderStyle="Dashed"MenuLabelText="Verbs Menu"MenuPopupImageUrl="label.gif"><VerbStyleFont-Italic=...
IDataLabel IDataLabels IDataTable IDiagram IDialog IDialogFrame IDialogs IDialogSheet IDialogSheets IDialogSheetView IDisplayFormat IDisplayUnitLabel IDocEvents IDownBars IDrawing IDrawingObjects IDrawings IDropDown IDropDowns IDropLines IDummy IEditBox IEditBoxes IError IErrorBars IErrorCheckingOptions...