8. (Chemistry) chem a radioactive element used in a compound to trace the mechanism of a chemical reaction vb (tr) , -bels, -belling or -belled, -bels, -beling or -beled 9. to fasten a label to 10. to mark with a label 11. to describe or classify in a word or phrase: to...
5. Heraldry A figure in a field consisting of a narrow horizontal bar with several pendants. 6. Chemistry See tracer. tr.v. la·beled, la·bel·ing, la·bels or la·belled or la·bel·ling 1. To attach a label to: labeled the jars before storing them. 2. To identify or design...
What is the past tense of label? The past tense of label is "labelled" in UK English and "labeled" in US English. What is the origin of label? The word "label" comes from the Middle French word "labelle," meaning a ribbon or fringe. ...
In past releases, when a user picked a darker color background, the clip text labels would always appear black. While this provided consistency, it often resulted in readability issues. With the new dynamic color text formula, the text label color adapts based on the ...
a在与表示时态、体、或情态的词连用的能力方面,英语的被动语态可以跟各种表示时态、完成体及情态动词连用; In and expressed the tense, the body, or the spirit word is used together ability aspect, the English passive voice may with each kind express the tense, completes the body and the modal ver...
And it is here that his especial strength resides, a music fully drenched in the past, yet so attuned to the present moment. His snarling howl and single syllable guttural moans seem to bridge time and space, epoch and eras; hermetic yowls recalling Enka crooners, circus sideshow barkers, ...
Since the replace hasn't occurred at this point yet, replaced wouldn't be past tense in the results. We can say, will be replaced instead, but is that too wordy? Also, I feel that the match string VSCode is still useful here for those who search for regex, so perhaps that could go...
Opposite of to view or represent someone or something in a conventional, formulaic and oversimplified manner “Klein sensed how important it was for Lennon todifferentiatehimself from the others, especially now that he and Ono had become the butt of jokes and hostility.” ...
12. (Chemistry) to make (one or more atoms in a compound) radioactive, for use in determining the mechanism of a reaction [C14: from Old French, from Germanic; compare Old High German lappa rag] ˈlabeller, ˈlabeler n Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition...