so he had a double whammy of Neptunian energy going on. Neptune also is the ruler of his Pisces Ascendant which additionally governs outward appearance.
This Venus Retrograde cycle occurs entirely in your sign, affecting your first house of personal appearance and mannerisms. It very much affects the personal image you project to others. Others may misunderstand what you do and say, and misread your body language in spots during these six weeks...
Of course the biggest news this week is Thursday’s opposition between Saturn in Virgo and Uranus in Pisces. This is the second peak in an unusually long, two-year transit that we’ve been feeling for several months already and that we’ll continue to grapple with until the middle of next...
The movie was released in the sign of Pisces. The planets signify religious zeal because Uranus is in Pisces and it will remain there for seven years. Pisces rules suffering, both emotional and physical. It signifies a suffering Messiah, thus the movie and the cross in the heavens. Don't ...
in house 7 Saturn Aquarius 16° 34' in house 11 Uranus Capricorn 17° 47' in house 10 Neptune Capricorn 18° 26' in house 10 Pluto Scorpio 24° 40' in house 8 Ascendant Pisces 23° 34' in house 1 Medium Coeli Saggitarius 25° 35' in house 10 North Node true Saggitarius 21° 20'...
Pisces 23° 34' in house 1 Medium Coeli Saggitarius 25° 35' in house 10 North Node true Saggitarius 21° 20' in house 9 2 Taurus 0° 44' in house 2 3 Gemini 0° 24' in house 3 4 Gemini 25° 35' in house 4 5 Cancer 20° 13' in house 5 6 Leo 18° 14' in house 6 ...