Some with this Venus have typically male interests. She finds meaning in life (Venus) through active, head-on challenges (Aries). She's vivacious and overt with her sexuality. A twist is when you discover she's a competitive kickboxer or has a death-defying bucket list. If you're the a...
Find out the celebrity horoscopes having the Venus in the astrological sign of Pisces with planetary dominants and interactive chart, page 13/108
It is common under this influence to fall instantly in love with someone who would mistreat you and use and abuse you. They may be violent, have criminal tendencies, or be addicted to hard drugs. It is also possible that your increased powers of attraction may go to your head. Exerting ...
Venus Conjunct Mars Transit Venus conjunct Mars transit increases your desire for intimate relations. Driven by an intense need for sexual satisfaction, you can become very direct in your search for a mating partner. This primal urge to reproduce is not so raw and aggressive as to make others ...
NeptuneStationed Retrogradein its Native sign of Pisceson June 12th. Waters ran deep and the depths of our feeling nature flowed strongly in all of our endeavors. The intensity of this focus pulled us into a heartscape that pulled to the surface what had been long buried and forced choice ...
It’s also still within orb of a conjunction to Venus, and both are conjoined that day by the transiting Moon, just coming off the New Moon conjunction to the Sun in Pisces. We also see Merc and Venus (and briefly, the Moon) making semi-sextile to Neptune, a square to Black Moon ...
The movie was released in the sign of Pisces. The planets signify religious zeal because Uranus is in Pisces and it will remain there for seven years. Pisces rules suffering, both emotional and physical. It signifies a suffering Messiah, thus the movie and the cross in the heavens. Don't ...
in house 7 Saturn Aquarius 16° 34' in house 11 Uranus Capricorn 17° 47' in house 10 Neptune Capricorn 18° 26' in house 10 Pluto Scorpio 24° 40' in house 8 Ascendant Pisces 23° 34' in house 1 Medium Coeli Saggitarius 25° 35' in house 10 North Node true Saggitarius 21° 20'...
Pisces 23° 34' in house 1 Medium Coeli Saggitarius 25° 35' in house 10 North Node true Saggitarius 21° 20' in house 9 2 Taurus 0° 44' in house 2 3 Gemini 0° 24' in house 3 4 Gemini 25° 35' in house 4 5 Cancer 20° 13' in house 5 6 Leo 18° 14' in house 6 ...
I have a Venus / Mars trine [2 degree orb, with Venus exalted at 0′ Pisces]. In my chart it’s also part of a grand trine with Uranus [Exalted in 11th house Scorpio & also trine Mercury in Pisces] I’ve known three people with Venus square Mars & they’re all very competitive ...