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Venus in Furs的创作者 ··· 利奥波德·冯·萨赫-马索克 作者 作者简介 ··· 利奥波德•萨克•马索克是奥地利作家和记者,其关于加利西亚生活以及爱情的作品有很大的影响力。 《穿裘皮的维纳斯》是关于受虐心理的经典之作,成为后世虐恋文学的范本。本书自首次出版以来,被翻译成24种文字,再版数十次,其思想...
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43 -- 5:26 App The velvet Underground - Beginning to see the light(1969) 984 1 49:06 App [Album] The Velvet Underground & Nico - The Velvet Underground & Nico 780 -- 43:00 App John Cale -The Velvet Underground - Venus In Furs - Live+MV 9P 4401 2 7:03 App The Velvet Under...
Venus in Furs(German:Venus im Pelz) is anovellaby the Austrian authorLeopold von Sacher-Masoch, and the best known of his works. The novel was to be part of an epic series that Sacher-Masoch envisioned calledLegacy of Cain(Das Vermächtniß Kains).Venus in Furswas part ofLove(Die ...
【孔夫子旧书网】Venus in Furs 英文原版书 穿裘皮大衣的维纳斯。作者:Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch,出版社:不详,售价:125,出版人:不详,年代:1969,装帧:2,线装:32开,刻印方式:平装,册数:
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John Cale - Venus in Furs
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