Venus in Fur: Regia di Renee Yi. Con Roger Gilden, Meera Sinroja. Actress Vanda (Meera) and director Novacheck(Roger) enjoy a sensual date as the evening starts progressing towards Novacheck's hidden fears and nightmares - much to the amusement of Vanda.
‘Night Mayor’, ‘Scarecrows’ win works in progress prizes at Meeting Point Vilnius How ‘Mid-Century Modern’ Is a ‘Golden Girls’ for Our Times Trump Blasts Fox News Anchor Jacqui Heinrich: ‘She Should be Working for CNN’ ‘Pawn Stars’ Rick Harrison Speaks Out About Son’s Death ...
Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch wrote a story about unrequited love, passion, the fear of loss and sexual prejudice in society, none of which are expressed in this movie, instead of questioning the sociological structures of relationships it is yet another display of naked bodies and a lack of plot...
類型:劇情 上映中:沒有上映日資訊。 3.5 Adapted from the novel by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, Roman Polanski directs an actress’ attempts to show how perfect she is for the role.After a day of auditioning actresses for his play, Thomas finds him self alone in a Parisian theater with little...
導演朱栢謙的話劇「試鏡Venus in Fur」劇情一气呵成沒有冷場,兩位演員蘇子情、遊學修相當稱職,雖然整體劇情角色玩互換反轉,較為傳統,但蘇子情一角好玩奔放,很多喜劇笑點和劇情轉折,都由蘇子情角色帶動,較...
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Amir Soltani reviews Roman Polanski's new film "Venus in Fur," and ends up appreciating its many meta layers.
movie can linger in your mind for days after watching it. Performances in Venus in Fur are great and the blurring of reality and fantasy is interesting but the movie is lofty for the general audience and pointless for the critics. I cannot imagine what type of audience may enjoy this movie...
主 演马修·阿马立克艾玛纽尔·塞尼耶 剧情 版本一 在经过了一整天的试演之后,剧作家兼导演托马斯给朋友打了一个电话,在电话里,他一... 视频(2) 01:31预告片 《穿裘皮的维纳斯》预告片 01:31 《穿裘皮的维纳斯》曝预告 波兰斯基新作调教虐恋 图片(31) ...
Venus in Fur類型: 劇情 上映中: 沒有上映日資訊。3.5 Ein Theaterregisseur (Mathieu Amalric) plant, Leopold von Sacher-Masochs Novelle "Venus im Pelz" auf die Bühne zu bringen. Dafür sucht er langwierig nach einer passenden Hauptdarstellerin. Viele hoffnungsvolle Schauspielerinnen sprechen bei...