Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) is vital for decision-making. Functional neuroimaging links vmPFC to processing rewards and effort, while parallel work suggests vmPFC involvement in prosocial behaviour. However, the necessity of vmPFC for these functions is unknown. Patients with rare focal vmPFC ...
The executive factors found by Miyake and colleagues are consistent with the cognitive profile of adult patients with differing prefrontal lesions, which suggests dissociations in the behavioral profile based on the location of the lesion within the frontal lobe. While frontal lesions can result in a...
Define ventromedial. ventromedial synonyms, ventromedial pronunciation, ventromedial translation, English dictionary definition of ventromedial. adj. Both ventral and medial; extending toward the ventral surface and the median line. ven′tro·me′di·al OPEN Ventromedial prefrontal cortex, adding value to autobiographical memories received: 20 March 2016 accepted: 06 June 2016 Published: 24 June 2016 Wen-Jing Lin1, Aidan J. Horner1,2,3 & Neil Burgess1,2 The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been ...
Neural activity within the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and anterior insula (aIns) is often associated with economic choices and confidence. However, it remains unclear whether these brain regions are causally related to these processes. To address this issue, we leveraged intracranial ...
Fig. 5. Timecourse of value-related effects in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) over the course of a trial in the three conditions. Left column: effects of value difference and value sum on BOLD activity in vmPFC. Right column: Effects of chosen and unchosen option value on vmPFC...
(Ganchrow, D., 1978; Craig, A. D., 2004). Cells in MDvc project to area 24c in the cortex at the fundus of the anterior cingulate sulcus (limbic motor cortex), rather than to the orbitofrontal and prefrontal cortex where the remainder of medial dorsal nucleus (MD) projects (Ray, J...
Selectivedeficitinpersonalmoraljudgment followingdamagetoventromedial prefrontalcortex ElisaCiaramelli, 1,2 MichelaMuccioli, 2 ElisabettaLa`davas, 1,2 andGiuseppediPellegrino 1,2 1 DipartimentodiPsicologia,Universita`diBologna,Bologna,Italy,and 2 CentroStudieRicerchediNeuroscienzeCognitive,Cesena,Italy RecentfMRI...
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex ThevmPFCseems to be critically involved in coding the affective value of stimuli within the current situational and temporal context (Ochsner and Gross, 2014;Braunstein et al., 2017). This function is supported by its dense reciprocal connections with amygdala (Ghas...
Ambulance locationHighwaysRecent work has implicated the amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex in morality and, when dysfunctional, psychopathy. This model proposes that the amygdala, through stimulus-reinforcement learning, enables the association of actions that harm others with the aversive ...