The meaning of VENTRAL is of or relating to the belly : abdominal. How to use ventral in a sentence.
Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to split," with derivatives in Germanic "referring to biting (hence also to eating and to hunting) and woodworking" [Watkins]. It forms all or part of:abet;bait(n.) "food used to attract prey;"bait(v.) "to torment, persecute;"bateau;beetle(n.1) "...
1580s, from Late Latinventriloquus, from Latinventer(genitiveventris) "belly" (seeventral) +loqui"to speak" (from PIE root*tolkw-"to speak"). Related:Ventriloquial;ventriloquize. Patterned on Greekengastrimythos, literally "speaking in the belly," which was not originally an entertainer...