Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to split," with derivatives in Germanic "referring to biting (hence also to eating and to hunting) and woodworking" [Watkins]. It forms all or part of:abet;bait(n.) "food used to attract prey;"bait(v.) "to torment, persecute;"bateau;beetle(n.1) "...
The meaning of VENTRAL is of or relating to the belly : abdominal. How to use ventral in a sentence.
1773, in the modern sense, fromventriloquy+-ism. ventriloquist(n.) 1650s in the classical sense, fromventriloquy+-ist. In the modern sense from c. 1800. Ventriloquists in ancient Greece werePythones, a reference to the Delphic Oracle. Another English word for them wasgastromyth....
I can't avoid superlatives. 'Un condamné à mort s'est échappé', Robert Bresson's 1956 film is the best prison break movie I can remember ever seeing. And I've seen quite a few, even if it's not exactly my favorite genre, from the various adaptations of 'The Count of Monte Cris...
The word steganography combines the greek words steganos, meaning "covered, concealed, or protected", and graphein meaning "writing". The first recorded use of the term was by johannes trithemi|js in his steganographia, a treatise on cryptography and steganography, disguised as a book on magic...
As root, edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf to change ident method to md5: < host all all ident --- > host all all md5 Add PostgreSQL to auto-start and run it: # systemctl enable postgresql # systemctl start postgresql One more word on services....
(A tree root through the sewer line, for example: NOT Cool!) But opening the first return vent cover to remove the HVAC air filter made it even more clear, these were both well-worth replacing. Not only were they banged up so much that they had warped the filters within, but they we...
"belly" (see ventral) + loqui "to speak" (from PIE root *tolkw- "to speak"). Related:… See origin and meaning of ventriloquy.