Program : SAPMOMS0 Package : WLIF Component : BBPCRM OMSV Tcode for C MM-BDVendorData Transfer Program : RFBIKR00 Package : WLIF Component : BBPCRM OMSX Tcode for TCODE/Field Selection:Vendor Program : Package : WLIF Component : BBPCRM ...
In this post I am going to write how vendor evaluation has been done using SAP Material Management module In the SAP System, Vendor Evaluation is completely integrated into the MM Purchasing component within Materials Management. Vendor Evaluationaccesses basic Materials Management data, Inventory Manage...
Tcode for Create goods vendorProgram : Package : WLIFComponent : BBPCRM M-57Tcode for Create one-time vendorProgram : Package : WLIFComponent : BBPCRM ME61Tcode for Maintain Vendor EvaluationProgram : SAPMM06LPackage : MELComponent : BBPCRM ME6ATcode for Changes to Vendor EvaluationProgram...
In this post I am going to write how vendor evaluation has been done using SAP Material Management module In the SAP System, Vendor Evaluation is completely integrated into the MM Purchasing component within Materials Management. Vendor Evaluationaccesses basic Materials Management data, Inventory Manage...
号码范围配置包含两部分:号码间隔定义、号码间隔分配给账户组。 序号功能IMG路径T-CODE或SM30维护视图 1号码间隔定义SAP 用户化实施指南→后勤-常规→业务合作伙伴→供应商→控制→定义供应商主记录的编号范围 <间隔>OMSG 2号码间隔分配后台IMG路径“SAP 用户化实施指南→后勤-常规→业务合作伙伴→供应商→控制→定义...
Vendor consignment process in SAP is used when a vendor provides your company materials on loan. The materials are kept in the warehouse of your company.
Enter the material code. This material will be used at the time of settlement through credit memo. We can create a dummy material for this purpose. Save the agreement. Step 2: Setting up the vendor master. T-code: XK02 Select the Purchasing Data Field & select the mentioned fields in Co...
Now regarding Vendor part No in SAP mm we call it as MPN -- Manufacturer Part No To confugre a MPN for a material itself a procedure. It gone through following steps- 1. Basic Setting: Here we allows MPN for the Client and T-Code IMG --> Logistics General --> Material master --...
XK03或SE16N查数据表LFA1 xk03,在菜单上:附加-管理数据-创建者和创建日期 SE16N,查询LFA1数据表,查看字段ERDAT就是创建日期了
SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) Hi All We are getting error..we are unable to post it as the vendor has two codes one is branch code and another for head office code ..branch code is block for posting ..and it is freeze in miro tab we are unable to change ...actually...