没有T-CODE可以从物料逆向去查找PO和VENDOR。一个物料可以被无数个PO或者SO使用,这种查找是不可能用T-CODE实现的,除非找ABAP写代码。如果你要自己看,只有用SE11或者SE16自己去查表PO HEADER -> EKKO 这里有header level的vendorPO item -> EKPO 物料都在这个LEVEL里 这里有item level的vendorvendor marster d...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello Vishal , Tcode for Vendor Account Clearing is F-44 so the related BAPI is BAPI_AP_ACC_GETBALANCEDITEMS and for Customer Account Clearing is F-32 so the related BAPI is BAPI_AR_ACC_GETBALANCEDITEMS . Try to search for BAPI's with Tcode mentio...
How to make a list of vendor (active and non active) sorted by name? How do I generate a report showing all active vendors with their corresponing vendor code in SAP? Report for Vendor List is "S_ALR_87012086" Info Records Per Vendor is "ME1L" ...
In this post I am going to write how vendor evaluation has been done using SAP Material Management module In the SAP System, Vendor Evaluation is completely integrated into the MM Purchasing component within Materials Management. Vendor Evaluationaccesses basic Materials Management data, Inventory Manage...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Vinay, I got the same scenario which is relevant to your doubt. My scenario is as follows. I want to create vender master record in FK01. When we run PRAA tcode a standard BDC recording will get created in SM35. When we execute that recording,...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility Hi Hung, I suppose this could be done through BADI's. You could find the BAdi for your transaction using the followins steps. 1. Go to the TCode SE24 and enter CL_EXITHANDLER as object type. 2. In 'Display' mode, go to 'Methods' tab. 3. ...
CAP CDS: SAP/cds-textmate-grammar CIL: google/selinux-policy-languages CLIPS: psicomante/CLIPS-sublime CMake: textmate/cmake.tmbundle COBOL: spgennard/vscode_cobol CODEOWNERS: Alhadis/language-etc COLLADA: textmate/xml.tmbundle CSON: atom/language-coffee-script CSS: tree-sitter/tree-sitter-...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development we can relate LFA1/LFB1 and CDHRD/CDPOS on the basis of LIFNR. When we make any change in FK02 , the entry is getting created in CDHDR. the below select query might be helpful: SELECT objectclas objectid changenr username udate utime tcode FROM...
Use TCODE ME61 for vendor evaluation. Perform for about 2-4 vendors, For Equal Weight Keys, Weighting Percentage will be equal Irrespective of any scores (same or different). For Unequal Weight Keys, Weighting Percentage will be different Irrespective of any scores (same or different). ...
For this SAP gives you a "Sample" FM that you can use as a base to copy and insert you own custom code. This is SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001040. The specific ABAP code of each one of these Function Modules need to be done based on your client requirement which will be taken care by your ...