Contamination of vegetables with heavy metals across the globe: hampering food security goalFood securityHeavy metalsHyperaccumulatorsVegetablesFood Security is a multifaceted aspect covering nutrition, availability, sufficiency, accessibility and safety. Millennium Development Goals as framed by United Nations ...
For sustainable global growth, food security is a prime concern issue, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Adverse effects on crop quality from contaminants like heavy metals have affected food security and human health. Vegetables comprise the essential and nutritious part of the human diet as they...
Heavy metals in vegetables: screening health risks involved in cultivation along wastewater drain and irrigating with wastewater. A, Katnoria JK, Nagpal AK: Heavy metals in vegetables: screening health risks involved in cultivation along wastewater drain and irrigating with wastewater... Ashita,Sharma...
Heavy metals, which are a major environmental problem, have a natural residency in the continental mantle. In general, a heavy metal is nothing but any chemical element which is metallic with a comparatively higher density that is poisonous above a tolerable range, such as mercury (Hg), cadmium...
Withtheeverseriousenvironmentalpollution,vegetableshavebeenpollutedtovaryingdegrees,in cludingoneoftheimportantfactors,byheavymetalsthataffectvegetablegrowthandhumanhealth.Thepaper studiesaspectsofstatusquoofvegetablesfromhomeandabroadpolutedbyheavymetals,heavymetalabsorption ...
Heavy MetalsSoilsVegetablesGreenhouseThis study used a flame atomic absorption spectrometer (FAAS) and atomic fluorescence spec-trophotometer (AFS) to detect the concentrations of chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), hy-drargyrum (Hg) and arsenic (As) in soils and three genotypes of ...
There was a direct positive correlation between the zinc and lead levels in soils with the levels in vegetables. Such relation was absent for the other heavy metals. Considering an average daily intake of only 202g of fresh vegetables per person per day, all the vegetables grown at Tabata ...
Health risks associated with these metals by consumption of vegetables were assessed based on the hazard quotient (HQ). The soils show a most significant contamination of Tl, followed by Pb, Cu, Zn, and Ni. The heavy metal contents (g/g, dry weight basis) in the edible parts of ...
The results show that the contents of these heavy metals in the The vegetables are lower than the contents of the national stander. Cu, Zn, Cd and Hg in the vegetables are from the soil, and Pb and As are from meteoric dust as air pollution....
Results show that in the city, crops near the road were polluted by heavy metals, with up to 160mg per kilogram of dry weight for lettuce and 210mg/kg for basil. The highest Cd accumulation of up to 1.2mg/kg was found in rural tomato. Soilless planting systems enabled a reduction of ...