public static void OrthoNormalize (ref Vector3 normal, ref Vector3 tangent); Descripción Hace que los vectores sean normalizados y ortogonales uno al otro. Normalizes normal. Normalizes tangent and makes sure it is orthogonal to normal (that is, angle between them is 90 degrees).Mirar tam...
OrthoNormalize Hace que los vectores sean normalizados y ortogonales uno al otro. Project Proyecta un vector sobre otro. ProjectOnPlane Proyecta un vector a un plano definido por una normal ortogonal al plano. Reflect Refleja un vector fuera del plano definido por una normal. RotateTowards Rota...
Divide el valor de las propiedades x, y y z del objeto Vector3D actual por el valor de su propiedad w. Vector3D scaleBy(s:Number):void Escala el objeto Vector3D actual por un escalar, una magnitud. Vector3D setTo(xa:Number, ya:Number, za:Number):void Define los miembros de Vecto...
QPointF GLScene::mapToScene(constQPointF &p){// Code below will work OK while projection is ortogonal// For some reason in perspective projection everything is flipped and not accurateQVector4D rNear = unproject(QVector3D(p.x(), p.y(),-1)); QVector4D rFar = unproject(QVector3D(p...
Planar vectorcardiographic QRS loops of 33 normal, term infants were recorded by the Grishman cube, Frank and McFee-Parungao axial lead-placement systems on the first through the third days of life. No changes occurred in direction of loop inscription or in magnitude of the mean and maximal ...
To characterize the attractor theore- tically, we develop a new vector model that goes beyond the limitations of the previously used models based on either coupled nonlinear Schro¨dinger or Ginzburg–Landau equations.1–11 By accounting for the vector nature of the interaction between an optical...
示例3: mapToScene ▲点赞 5▼ QPointF GLScene::mapToScene(constQPointF &p){// Code below will work OK while projection is ortogonal// For some reason in perspective projection everything is flipped and not accurateQVector4D rNear = unproject(QVector3D(p.x(), p.y(),-1)); ...
public double orhtogonalDistance(NormalOcTreeNode node) { temporaryVector.set(node.getHitLocationX(), node.getHitLocationY(), node.getHitLocationZ()); temporaryVector.sub(point); return; } 代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit @Override protected void ...
// returns the cross field as a pair of othogonal vectors (NOT in parametric coordinates, but real 3D coordinates)Pair<SVector3,SVector3> frameFieldBackgroundMesh2D::compute_crossfield_directions(doubleu,doublev,doubleangle_current) {// get the unit normal at that pointGFace *face =dynamic...
public static void OrthoNormalize (ref Vector3 normal, ref Vector3 tangent); Descripción Hace que los vectores sean normalizados y ortogonales uno al otro. Normalizes normal. Normalizes tangent and makes sure it is orthogonal to normal (that is, angle between them is 90 degrees).Mirar tam...