MATLAB还允许创建n个对数值间隔相同的行向量。使用格式为: logspace(a,b,n) >>logspace(1,2,5) ans= 10.0000 17.7828 31.6228 56.2341 100.0000 另一个例子 >>logspace(-1,1,6) ans= 0.1000 0.2512 0.6310 1.5849 3.9811 10.0000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 特征化向量 ①命令length返回向量中包含元素的...
确保在实际应用中正确设置和连接信号,以避免出现’Error: ** during flag= call must be a real vector of length 3’的错误。 通过遵循上述解决方案,你应该能够成功地在MATLAB Simulink中使用BP PID控制器,并避免遇到’Error: ** during flag= call must be a real vector of length 3’的错误。如果问题仍...
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間) 古いコメントを表示 Andreas Burheim Volden2015 年 3 月 16 日 0 リンク 翻訳 閉鎖済み:MATLAB Answer Bot2021 年 8 月 20 日 Hi! I'm trying to compare two results in a system identification procedure. My total dataset consists of 17 495 samples. I've got ...
vectorLength : scalar length of all axis vectors in cm textVectorNormalizedPosition : position of axis labels along vectors in units normalized to the vector length. E.g. 1 is end of vector, 0.5 is halfway along vector, 1.5 is 1.5 times the length of the vector. axisInset: 2 x 1 vect...
a maximum of N successive negative values in F are to be converted to 0 with all the possible remaining negative values, if any, unaffected? If so, the example you should have used ought to have demonstrated that behavior. In any case, here is code that ...
Wgrill = 500; Qink = 100; Cink = 2;QE = 25;CE = 2;Ve= 840;Vk= 280;Ee= 25;Ek= 25;
Open in MATLAB Online I'm trying to build a tracker differentiator using Matlab S-Function. However, it's giving me an error saying " Output returned by S-function 'han_td' in 'xxxx/S-Function' during flag=3 call must be a real vector of length 2". I can't see wh...
(1:length(An)); d=X(length(An)+1); h=X(length(An)+2); C1=X(length(An)+3:end); sigma=@(x)sum(C1./(x-An))+1; An1=solve(sigma(x)==0,x); An1=double(An1); %%sigma函数的零点(新极点)作为下一次迭代的起始极点 %%sigma函数的零点(新极点)与起始极点的差值 Error=sum(abs(...
在Matlab里怎么把Vector按照某种比例边短 我现在在做一个胶体中溶剂蒸发模型。胶体底下是铁板,上面是空气,不考虑胶体的面积,溶剂会慢慢从上表面蒸发掉。胶体的厚度也会慢慢变薄,一直到所有的溶剂蒸发完毕。 假设初始状态是:厚度Z0,溶剂浓度是C0,为了分析方便,把Z0均匀的分成了N层,每层的厚度是dZ,溶剂的初始浓度...
function dv=equ1(s,v)global theta;dv=(sin(theta)-0.00012*v^2/((0.0376*v^2+0.334*v-0.0522)/(v^2+0.1618*v-0.04818))^1.313)/(0.102*v);theta=30;A=1:800;[s v]=ode45('equ1',A,0.2)你带入运行一下