MATLAB Online에서 열기 A = [1 , 5];% compare the size of vector entered by user is 1 X 5 B = [5 , 1];% compare the size of vector entered by user is 5 X 1 chances = 0;%setting flag to use in loop whilechances<3 ...
Wow, look at the size of that vector, it's so special! 7. 她快速地用 size 函数检查了一下维度。She quickly checked the dimension with the size function. 8. 这和我们预期的 size 不一样啊!This is not the same size as we expected! 9. 难道你不知道 size 对分析很重要吗?Don't you ...
I wanto to convert a vector 1x45000 to a vector 1x36000 and a vector of 1x27000 to a vector 1x36000 How can I do it? 댓글 수: 2 José-Luis2014년 6월 4일 MATLAB Online에서 열기 docresample Roger Wohlwend2014년 6월 5일 ...
说的很明白啊 函数第16行,输入向量必须为整数型。你程序里width/n不是整数,后面一个参数也是一样的问题 取整就行。round(四舍五入),floor(下整数),ceil(上整数)都可以
Query the length of the second dimension ofA. szdim2 = size(A,2) szdim2 = 3 Query the length of the last dimension ofA. szdimlast = size(A,ndims(A)) szdimlast = 5 You can query multiple dimension lengths at a time by specifying a vector dimension argument. For example, find the...
x is whatever length it is, and ysol is at least one element longer than x. The vectors are thus always going to be different lengths. There is no solution other than to define ysol a different way that is the same length as x.If...
Query the length of the second dimension ofA. szdim2 = size(A,2) szdim2 = 3 Query the length of the last dimension ofA. szdimlast = size(A,ndims(A)) szdimlast = 5 You can query multiple dimension lengths at a time by specifying a vector dimension argument. For example, find the...
size(A, 2)表示取矩阵A的列数。如果A是多维矩阵,则表示的仍然是取每个二维矩阵的列数。举例说明如下:如果A是2维矩阵(行向量或列向量可看为行数或列数为1的矩阵)A=[1, 2, 3; 4, 2, 3];col = size(A, 2); % 计算结果为col=3,因为矩阵A的列数为3% 如果A是多维矩阵(以3维...
Query the length of the second dimension ofA. szdim2 = size(A,2) szdim2 = 3 Query the length of the last dimension ofA. szdimlast = size(A,ndims(A)) szdimlast = 5 You can query multiple dimension lengths at a time by specifying a vector dimension argument. For example, find the...