data[i].color = vec4(theColor->r[i] /255.0f, theColor->g[i] /255.0f, theColor->b[i] /255.0f, a); }elsedata[i].color = vec4(theModelView->color[0], theModelView->color[1], theModelView->color[2],1.0f); }if(theNormals) {for(size_ti =0; i < theNormals->vNormal...
#version 430outvec3 color;voidmain(void){ color = vec4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0); } Vertexshader failed to compile with the following errors: ERROR:0:6:error(#160) Cannot convert from: "const highp 4-component vector of vec4" to: "default out highp 3-component vector of vec3"ERROR:error...
vec3 nor = normalize(pos - mysph_pos[obj]); fcolor = fcolor + ((light_color[i] * ( * myobj_mat[obj].kd).mult(myobj_mat[obj].color)); }if(myobj_mat[obj].ks >0) { vec3 refDir = mirrorDir(pos, lightray, obj) * (-1); fcolor = fcolor + ((li...
float average( const in vec3 color ) { return dot( color, vec3( 0.3333 ) ); } struct IncidentLight { vec3 color; vec3 direction; bool visible; }; struct ReflectedLight { vec3 directDiffuse; vec3 directSpecular; vec3 indirectDiffuse; vec3 indirectSpecular; }; struct GeometricContext {...
Code Issues Pull requests Create a color object and convert to rgb, rgba or hex string and WebGL color array. css hex color webgl convert rgb rgba vec4 vec3 Updated Jul 10, 2023 JavaScript s...
Color ColorKey ColorOvertimeModule Component Component.EventHandler ConstantForce constructor ContainerStrategy ContentStrategy CurveRange debug DependUtil Details Director DistanceJoint Downloader dragonBones.AttachUtil DragonBonesAsset DragonBonesAtlasAsset DynamicAtlasManager Easing EditB...
#include "highgui.h"usingnamespacecv;voidcolorReduce(Mat ,intdiv){//将每个通道的256种颜色用div种代替,每个颜色段取中间的颜色值作为代表色for(inti=0;i<image.rows;i++){for(intj=0;j<image.cols;j++){//<Vec3b>(i,j)[k]:取出彩色图像中i行j列第k通道的颜色点<Vec3b>(i,...
#ifndef MATH_VEC3_H #define MATH_VEC3_H #include <cmath> #define MATH_FLOAT_SMALL 1.0e-37f #define MATH_TOLERANCE 2e-37f #ifndef CCASSERT #if COCOS2D_DEBUG > 0 // todo: minggo // #if CC_ENABLE_SCRIPT_BINDING // extern bool CC_DLL cc_assert_script_compatible(const char *msg);...
fragmentShader: // ... }); 更多的数据类型是Vector2、Vector4或Color。float或int的数组可以由值的数组设置。 收藏分享票数4 EN 页面原文内容由Stack Overflow提供。腾讯云小微IT领域专用引擎提供翻译支持 原文链接:复制 ...
Cocos Creator 3.8 Cocos CreatorCocos2d-xEnglishVersion: 3.8 介绍 2D 渲染 3D 渲染 场景图 动画 音频 图形后端抽象 数学 命名空间 类 AffineTransform Color Mat3 Mat4 MathBase Quat Rect Size Vec2 Vec3 Vec4 接口 函数 变量 核心模块 渲染管线 资源 输入系统 原生接口 DragonBones 2D 物理系统 2D 粒子系统...