VALORANT Data Drop/无畏契约数据揭露 在此与您畅谈 2023 年无畏契约冠军巡回赛(Valorant Champions Tour,以下简称VCT)的一切。年终岁尾,冠军巡回赛新赛季即将来临,我们认为现在是回顾2023年数据的好时机。在这篇文章中,我们将重点介绍一些全年表现突出的VCT队伍和选手。就数据本身而言,VAL Insights 团队从 2023 年常规...
2023年8月的LA夏天是否燥热不堪,只有参赛的选手们才知道。来到Valorant Champions 2023,EDG BLG FPX三支队伍远征洛杉矶。三号种子FPX首战对战EG,0-2不敌,掉入败者组对战T1同样是0-2,以0-4的成绩结束了第二次世界赛没什么好说的,阿杨尽力。二号种子BLG,那我王哥的电幻大喷就有话说了,首战面对Optc冠军...
VCT Americas will start off with an exciting match between Sentinels and 100 Thieves on April 1. After 8 weeks of round-robin format matches in the Regular Season, 6 teams will advance into the Playoffs. The top 3 teams from the Playoffs will play in the Masters Tokyo and Champions 2023,...
Seven teams, one slot – Pacific LCQ will give us one more squad from the region to compete in the upcoming Champions 2023
Spieler ins Rampenlicht, die sich in diesem Jahr besonders hervorgetan haben. Die Daten hat das VAL-Datenanalyseteam aus allen Profimatches in der normalen Saison und den „Letzte Chance“-Qualifikationsrunden sowie globalen Veranstaltungen wie LOCK//IN, Masters und Champions 2023 zusammengetrag...
受到VALORANT Insights团队发布的文章启发启发(英文原文:数据揭秘:9-3诅咒 VALORANT Data Breach: 9-3 Curse,我试图根据VLR数据,探讨2023年VCT国际赛事(即LOCK//IN、Masters Tokyo和Champions'23)中的翻盘成功的案例和比率。根据上述...
CHINA– Riot Games revealed today the integration of China as the latest addition to the VALORANT Champions Tour (VCT), positioning it as the fourth International League. This announcement places China shoulder to shoulder with the Pacific, EMEA, and Americas leagues at the premier level of compet...
Here is everything you need to know about the Valorant Champions Tour (VCT) 2023 Game Changers Championship which is going to deliver some electrifying Valorant action. VCT 2023 Game Changers Championship: Complete Details VCT 2023 Game Changers Championship is the second iteration of Valorant...
回顾电竞在中国“红红火火”掀起热潮的2023年,“无畏契约”(VALORANT)在Z世代群体中“圈粉”无数,这款FPS类(第一人称射击游戏)游戏走俏背后,有着数以千万计的全球玩家“新声音”。值“无畏契约”冠军巡回赛(VALORANT Champions Tour,简称VCT)落地CN赛区之际,我们邀请“无...