如果把mvp限定在playoff阶段,只有Demon1是对的,其他两个都是错的。所以这不是vct champions 2023 mvp,而是vct champions 2023 fmvp。另外如果说是按playoff算mvp,2022年冠军赛mvp最应该给到的是yay,虽然derke比他数据还要好一些,但是出局太早了。yay作为亚军队伍的决斗,即便是决赛输给了loud,依旧是全场数据最好...
由此可见Demon1的恐怖,所以他也毫无疑问地能以次攫取个人荣誉,Americas League和Masters Tokyo上的Demon1都获得了一个较为接近Best EVP地TOP EVP,在Valorant Champions上更是以断档地领先拿下实至名归的MVP。 101楼2023-09-10 09:39 回复 gos1 辟林之虎 7 为什么Demon1是TOP3?Demon1在overall上的数据其实并...
瓦区梗盘点..19.大明星这个梗应该是来自于炫神对康康的称呼,炫神称呼选手时喜欢取外号,jkl叫大网红,ts叫大马头,在称呼康康时则叫康康, 炫神对康康应该是又爱又恨,大明星可能带有一丝讥讽,但康康作为cn瓦流量断
Edward GamingWIN 147 Votes Paper Rex 574 Votes Score Summary Match Overview Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 MVP ZmjjKK 55/51 TOP FRAGGER f0rsaken 58/46 LEAST DEATHS Haodong 41/41 Team Player K D +/- Edward Gaming Team Average 47 45.2 +1.8 ...
这就是法国人看载物的感觉吗[逞强落泪][逞强落泪][逞强落泪] 4月前·安徽 222 分享 回复 展开5条回复 ggg ... 康神有时候其实打的很不合理,但是他枪太准了,所以很多名场面 4月前·广东 49 分享 回复 展开7条回复 五万亿宇宙 ... 学不会的[尬笑]康康的反应和开枪速度纯天赋怪[流泪] ...
When the expiring player contracts came to light for all franchised VALORANT teams in 2023, eyes focused on VCT Americas MVP aspas. Aspas’ status remained a big question mark towards the end of Champions, but the Brazilian duelist cleared the air today, stating that he’s s...
After achieving victory with his previousteam, LOUD, in the VCT Champions 2022, they faced a defeat by Fnatic in VCT LOCK//IN Sao Paulo 2023. This loss motivated him to fight for another trophy with his new team in VCT Masters Madrid. It will be worth watching how he contributes to the...
We are going with LOUD as the Champions of Masters Tokyo. Credit: Riot Games The Brazilians are currently waiting in the Playoffs as they secured a trophy in the Americas League. In that bracket, their toughest contenders will be teams like FNATIC and DRX, who have dominated their own region...
and the North Americans will have to bring an upset to become the victors. The winner of this match will secure a prize of $350,000 as well as allow their region an extra spot in Champions 2023, and it’s our time to predict this highly-anticipated game that has brought great storyline...
Just last weekend, on May 28th, Malaysia-Singapore’sPaper Rex took home the VCT Pacific League’s inaugural trophyand were crowned theVALORANTchampions of their region. Recommended Videos However, the team accomplished this feat without one of their most well-known players, and the league...