运行安装命令时,vcpkg 会首先搜索此处。 installed -包含每个已安装库的标头和库文件。与 Visual Studio 集成时,实质上是相当于告知它将此文件夹添加到其搜索路径。 packages - 在不同的安装之间用于暂存的内部文件夹。 ports -用于描述每个库的目录、版本和下载位置的文件。如有需要,可添加自己的端口。 scripts -...
vcpkg search [pat] Searchforpackages available to be built vcpkg install <pkg>... Install a package vcpkg remove <pkg>... Uninstall a package vcpkg remove --outdated Uninstall all out-of-date packages vcpkg list List installed packages vcpkg update Display list of packagesforupdating vcpkg upgr...
installed目录下会分很多不同类型的文件夹作为区分。 注意:你的VS需要安装英文的语言包。不然你会看到vcpkg的报告。解决办法:到 VS 安装向导,修改安装,点语言包,勾选英语;安装即可。 移除库 移除包的名字和你安装时候的名字要一样, 不知道详细名字可以使用 ./vcpkg.exe list 看一下你安装的包 ....
> vcpkg install boost:x86-windows The following packages will be built and installed: boost:x86-windows * bzip2:x86-windows * zlib:x86-windows Additional packages (*) will be installed to complete this operation. 查看已安装的三方库 命令vcpkg list可以查询已有的三方库: > vcpkg list ...
This option can be used in conjunction with --dry-run to obtain the list of NuGet packages required from binary caching without building or installing any packages. This enables the NuGet command line to be invoked separately for advanced scenarios, such as using alternate protocols to acquire ...
Now hdf5 has been installed with the parallel option activated, so the list command will display more information as well: >vcpkg list hdf5 hdf5:x86-windows 1.10.1-1 HDF5 is a data model, … hdf5[parallel]:x86-windows with parallel support for HDF5 ...
The vcpkg export commandcan be used to export built packages from the installed directory to a standalone SDK. A variety of formats are supported, including NuGet, a zip, or a raw directory. The SDK contains all prebuilt binaries for the selected packages, their transitive ...
set urllist=C:\Users\Desktop\packages.txt set dstDir=C:\Users\Desktop\packages\ setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for /f %%a in (%urllist%) do ( set dst=%dstDir%%%~na rem ***使用Windows自带的Edge打开下载网页下载(速度最快)*** rem explorer.exe...
cd vcpkg git pull vcpkg install pcl:x64-windows vcpkg list pcl # pcl:x64-windows 1.12.0#2 Point Cloud Library (PCL) is open source library... vcpkg --version # Vcpkg package management program version 2021-12-09-724cea8b33cbf06c645f5095fa29773697da9761 Contributor JackBoosY commented Jan...
file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/include"):从调试安装中删除 include 目录以防止重叠。 file(INSTALL "${SOURCE_PATH}/LICENSE" DESTINATION ...):将 LICENSE 文件安装到包的共享目录,并将其重命名为版权。 configure_file("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/usage" ...):将使用说明文件复制...