Package a library with vcpkg Contribute an open-source library to vcpkg Consume packages Install a dependency from a manifest file Install a dependency from the command line Install a specific version of a package Install a specific version of the Boost libraries ...
Tutorial: Install a locally modified dependency Tutorial: Set up a vcpkg asset cache Tutorial: Install a specific version of the Boost libraries using registry baselines Tutorial: Install a dependency from a Git-based registry Tutorial: Install a specific version of a package Tutorial...
Package a library with vcpkg Contribute an open-source library to vcpkg Consume packages Install a dependency from a manifest file Install a dependency from the command line Install a specific version of a package Install a specific version of the Boost libraries Enable optional features for a depe...
This feature makes it possible to install specific versions of dependencies and control installed versions over time. In order to use this feature, avcpkg.jsonmanifest file must be present in your repo to declare dependencies. Versioning is not currently available for libraries installed via the com...
vcpkg update 列出需要升级的包 Display list of packages for updating vcpkg hash <file> [alg] 对文件进行Hash(默认是SHA512) Hash a file by specific algorithm, default SHA512 vcpkg integrate install Make installed packages available user-wide. Requires admin privileges on first use ...
Package: bzip2:x86-windows Vcpkg version: 2020.06.15-nohash I'm using WIndows10 build 21h1. I'm running vcpkg install pcl and am failing to download the package mingw/i686/mingw-w64-i686-pkg-config-0.29.2-1-any.pkg.tar.xz from all mirror...
vcpkg remove--purge <pkg>卸载并删除包(包升级时需要) Uninstall and delete a package. vcpkg list 列出已安装包 List installed packages vcpkg update 列出需要升级的包 Display list of packagesforupdating vcpkg hash<file> [alg] 对文件进行Hash(默认是SHA512) Hash afileby specific algorithm, default SH...
Host Environment - Windows 10, 64 bit Visual Studio 2017 CMake 3.17.1 Windows SDK - The latest one for version 1809 Git To reproduce Follow the steps provided in to install and integrate vcpkg in my sys...
For more information, see ourusing a packageexample for the specifics. Additional notes on macOS and Linux support can be found in theofficial announcement. Tab-Completion / Auto-Completion vcpkgsupports auto-completion of commands, package names, options etc in Powershell and bash. To enable tab...
It doesn't make to define an imported library andfind_packagefor it at the same time. When installing libraries with specific CMake support, vcpkg will display usage information on how to con...