The vcpkg export commandcan be used to export built packages from the installed directory to a standalone SDK. A variety of formats are supported, including NuGet, a zip, or a raw directory. The SDK contains all prebuilt binaries for the selected packages, their transitive d...
如需 和Directory.Build.props的詳細資訊Directory.Build.targets,請參閱官方 MSBuild 檔的自定義組建一節。 連結的 NuGet 套件 注意 不建議針對新專案使用此方法,因為很難與其他項目共用。 如需可攜式獨立 NuGet 套件,請參閱export command。 VS 專案也可以透過 NuGet 套件整合。 這會修改項目檔,因此不建議此...
vcpkg/installed 目录 三、使用 vcpkg 编译好的 braft 库 1、直接在 CMake 中使用 在CMake 中使用 vcpkg 安装的库,需要使用如下工具链文件: cmake -B [build directory] -S . "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=[path to vcpkg]/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" cmake --build [build directory] 我们编写如下...
After you install or update Visual Studio with the vcpkg component checked, the package manager will be installed in your Visual Studio installation directory. You can run vcpkg commands directly from theDeveloper Command Prompt for Visual StudioorDeveloper PowerShell for Visual Studio. This also work...
vcpkg 很方便了解决了 c++开发时的项目的第三方开源代码依赖问题。方便的很,vcpkg install ffmpeg后,啥...
After you've gotten vcpkg installed and working, you may wish to add tab completion to your terminal. Use vcpkg Create a manifest for your project's dependencies: vcpkg new --application vcpkg add port fmt Or install packages through the command line: vcpkg install fmt Then use one of our...
VcpkgInstalledDir=E:/vcpkg/installed Working Directory: E:/vcpkg/buildtrees/winpcap/x64-windows-rel Error code: 1 See logs for more information: E:\vcpkg\buildtrees\winpcap\build-x64-windows-rel-out.log Call Stack (most recent call first): installed/x64-windows/share/vcpkg-msbuild/vcpkg_...
{ # "name": "vcpkg-cmake-config", # "host": true #} # vcpkg_cmake_config_fixup() # Uncomment the line below if necessary to install the license file for the port # as a file named `copyright` to the directory `${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/share/${PORT}` # vcpkg_install_copyright...
vcpkg x-init-registry <path> Initializes a registryinthe directory <path> vcpkg format-manifest --all Formats all vcpkg.json files. Run this before committing to vcpkg. vcpkg owns <pat> Searchforfilesininstalled packages vcpkg depend-info <pkg>... Display a list of dependenciesforpackages ...
Add .vcpkg-root file that signifies the root directory 8年前 Moved to root. Fixes #54. 8年前 Translations to PT (#28435) 2年前 Fixed inaccurate Chinese words (#23179) ...