vcpkg_install_make(...) 參數 請參閱vcpkg_build_make()。 備註 此命令會以透明方式轉送至vcpkg_build_make(),並新增ENABLE_INSTALL 範例 x264 Tcl freexl libosip2 來源 scripts/cmake/vcpkg_install_make.cmake 在GitHub 上與我們共同作業 您可以在 GitHub 上找到此內容的來源,在其中建立和檢閱問題和提取...
Build and install a CMake project.Usagecmake Copy vcpkg_cmake_install( [DISABLE_PARALLEL] [ADD_BIN_TO_PATH] ) To use this function, you must depend on the helper port vcpkg-cmake:JSON Copy "dependencies": [ { "name": "vcpkg-cmake", "host": true } ] ...
vcpkg/maintainers/functions/ ✅Succeeded View vcpkg/maintainers/functions/ ✅Succeeded View vcpkg/TOC.yml ✅Succeeded View For more details, please refer to the build report. For any questions, please: Try searching the contri...
CMake Vcpkg Integration Script This repository contains a CMake script that automates the process of downloading and installing libraries for C++ projects using vcpkg. The script ensures that vcpkg is present in your project and installs the required libraries specified in your CMakeLists.txt file...
While Vcpkg copy all dependency DLLs include one for Qt properly it's there is no option to do that for install. Such option would be very useful for most of projects using CMake that create their installers using CPack+NSIS. Of course I can simply copy DLLs and Qt plugins from output...
cmake vcpkg_install_cmake(...) Параметры См. разделvcpkg_build_cmake(). Примечания. Этакомандапрозрачноперенаправляетсявvcpkg_build_cmake(), добавляяTARGET installпараметр. ...
构建并安装 make 项目。 使用情况 cmake vcpkg_install_make(...) 参数 请参阅vcpkg_build_make()。 说明 此命令以透明方式转发到vcpkg_build_make(),添加ENABLE_INSTALL 示例 x264 tcl freexl libosip2 Source scripts/cmake/vcpkg_install_make.cmake...
Visual Studio throws errors that are not obvious to new users of CMake to debug. [Enter feedback here] Page URL Content source URL
vcpkg_build_qmake vcpkg_buildpath_length_warning vcpkg_check_features vcpkg_check_linkage vcpkg_clean_executables_in_bin vcpkg_clean_msbuild vcpkg_cmake_build vcpkg_cmake_config_fixup vcpkg_cmake_configure vcpkg_cmake_get_vars vcpkg_cmake_install vcpkg_configure_cmake vcpkg_configure_gn vcpkg_con...