Install a specific version of a package Install a specific version of the Boost libraries Enable optional features for a dependency Install a package for a custom build configuration Install native dependencies in a CLR application Install private or custom dependencies ...
Tutorial: Install a specific version of the Boost libraries using registry baselines Tutorial: Install a dependency from a Git-based registry Tutorial: Install a specific version of a package Tutorial: Authenticate vcpkg Git-based registries in GitHub Actions Tutorial: Publish packages...
To enable versioning, it is required that you set a baseline to a specific vcpkg commit. By selecting a baseline, you are selecting a snapshot of a certain point in time of the chronology. Setting the baseline will set a minimum version floor on all your dependencies, the minimum versions ...
Install a dependency from the command line Install a specific version of a package Install a specific version of the Boost libraries Enable optional features for a dependency Install a package for a custom build configuration Install private or custom dependencies Reduce build times with binary caching...
我正在用c++构建一个CMake项目,这个项目依赖于使用Vcpkg安装的OpenCV库。这是我的CMakeList.txt文件:# projectspecific logic here.cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8) set( CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "C:/vcpkg
vcpkg hash<file> [alg] 对文件进行Hash(默认是SHA512) Hash afileby specific algorithm, default SHA512 vcpkg integrateinstallMake installed packages available user-wide. Requires admin privileges on first use vcpkg integrate remove Remove user-wide integration ...
You still can't install a specific version from the command line it seems. I have a Rust project that doesn't use CMake, so how exactly am I going to use the CMake dependency stuff from vcpkg? They are working on it ️ 1 👀 1 Copy link JeysonFlores commented Oct 4, ...
CMake version: 3.28.3 Compilers and Linkers: C and C++ compilers: Visual Studio 2022 Build Tools (cl.exe) Linker: Visual Studio 2022 Build Tools (link.exe) Resource compiler: rc Flags: Platform-specific flags for compiler, linker, and resource compiler based on the build type (Release) Add...
vcpkghelp<topic> Displayhelpfora specific topic vcpkg integrate install Make installed packages available user-wide. Requires admin privileges on first use vcpkg integrate remove Remove user-wide integration vcpkg integrate project Generate a referencing nuget packageforindividual VS project use ...
vcpkg install fmt Then use one of our available integrations forCMake,MSBuildorother build systems. For a short description of all available commands, runvcpkg help. Runvcpkg help [topic]for details on a specific topic. Key features vcpkg offers powerful features for your package management needs...