Note: If one or more intermediate certificate authorities, the root64.cer should be a chain of all intermediate CA and Root CA certificates. The "machine_name_ssl.cer" should be a full chain (leaf) from top down, including machine, inter ca(s), and root certs, in proper order. The m...
要替换计算机 SSL 证书,请使用选项 3 Replace Machine SSL certificate with VMCA Certificate运行 vSphere Certificate Manager。 要替换解决方案用户许可证,请使用选项 6 Replace Solution user certificates with VMCA certificates运行Certificate Manager。 提示:做操作之前先给vCenter来个快照,做完没有问题就删掉快照,有...
| 3. Replace Machine SSL certificate with VMCA Certificate | | | | 4. Regenerate a new VMCA Root Certificate and | | replace all certificates | | | | 5. Replace Solution user certificates with | | Custom Certificate | | | | 6. Replace Solution user certificates with VMCA certificates |...
To replace the defaultVMCAassigned certificate Go tosettings(3 bar button left top side) in vSphere Client, chooseAdministrationfrom list. Navigate and expand toCertificatesand go toCertificate Management. In theMachine SSL Certificate (__MACHINE_CERTbox) clickACTIONSlink and se...
| 3. Replace Machine SSL certificate with VMCA Certificate | | | | 4. Regenerate a new VMCA Root Certificate and | | replace all certificates | | | | 5. Replace Solution user certificates with | | Custom Certificate | | | | 6. Replace Solution user certificates with VMCA certificates |...
| 3. Replace Machine SSL certificate with VMCA Certificate | | | | 4. Regenerate a new VMCA Root Certificate and | | replace all certificates | | | | 5. Replace Solution user certificates with | | Custom Certificate | | NOTE: Solution user certs will be deprecated in a future | | re...
12. Run/usr/lib/vmware-vmca/bin/certificate-manager 13. Choose option1:Replace Machine SSL certificate with Custom Certificate. Enter SSO and VC administrator credentials (default:administartor@vsphere.local). And now, choose option2to import custom certificates. ...
| 3. Replace Machine SSL certificate with VMCA Certificate | | | | 4. Regenerate a new VMCA Root Certificate and | | replace all certificates | | | | 5. Replace Solution user certificates with | | Custom Certificate | | NOTE: Solution user certs will be deprecated in a future | | re...
14. On the Replace vCenter Server Certificate screen, select the “Replace with external CA certificate where CSR is generated from the vCenter Server….” option and click NEXT. 15. Upload the vCenter Machine SSL Certificate in the top box, and the CA certificate in the bottom box. In ...
| *** Welcome to the vSphere 6.5 Certificate Manager *** | | | | -- Select Operation -- | | | | 1. Replace Machine SSL certificate with Custom Certificate | | | | 2. Replace VMCA Root certificate with Custom Signing | | Certificate and replace all Certificates | ...