Note:If one or more intermediate certificate authorities, the root64.cer should be a chain of all intermediate CA and Root CA certificates. The "machine_name_ssl.cer" should be a full chain (leaf) from top down, including machine, inter ca(s), and root certs, in proper order. The mac...
在Machine SSL 证书部分,选择操作下拉菜单,以更新或生成 SSL 证书。 如果已经过期,旧只能通过VCSA自带的vSphere Certificate Manager作证书更新 用vSphere Certificate Manager更新过期的证书 在vCenter Server Appliance 上,通过以下命令启动证书管理器: /usr/lib/vmware-vmca/bin/certi...
15. Upload the vCenter Machine SSL Certificate in the top box, and the CA certificate in the bottom box. In some configurations, your organization might have more than one CA, so you may need to upload a chain CA root certificate(s). In this example, I only have one CA certificate, ...
要替换计算机 SSL 证书,请使用选项 3 Replace Machine SSL certificate with VMCA Certificate运行 vSphere Certificate Manager。 要替换解决方案用户许可证,请使用选项 6 Replace Solution user certificates with VMCA certificates运行Certificate Manager。 提示:做操作之前先给vCenter来个快照,做完没有问题就删掉快照,有...
然后会有一系列的选项让你配置 certool.cfg 文件 这里注意IP填写的VC的IP 1. 2. 3. 4. 所有证书替换完后会,再次访问VC发现不会报错了 这边如果是选择6 出现报错:ERROR: The MACHINE SSL CERT certificate is expired 如果出现上图所示的报错,就要根据报错提示选择8选项进行所有证书替换了。
(VMware Certificate Authority) signed certificate is installed on the vCenter server. Which you can see under vSphere Client >> Administration >> Machine SSL Certificate >>View detailsor you can check the same on the browserNot secureoption it will showCertificate is not v...
| 3. Replace Machine SSL certificate with VMCA Certificate | | | | 4. Regenerate a new VMCA Root Certificate and | | replace all certificates | | | | 5. Replace Solution user certificates with | | Custom Certificate | | | | 6. Replace Solution user certificates with VMCA certificates |...
一、报错信息:访问服务器,有如下报错信息 重启后错误依旧。 二、root登录: 使用如下命令查看相关服务是否过期 /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store TRUSTED_ROOTS --text | less /usr/lib/vmware-vmafd/bin/vecs-cli entry list --store MACHINE_SSL_CERT --text | less ...
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.vmware.vim.vmomi.client.exception.InvalidSslCertificateException: Invalid SSL certificate (HTTP 526 status code) at com.vmware.vim.vmomi.core.impl.BlockingFuture.get( ...
the gateway when the vCenter is registered to the gateway for the first time. So if there is no change in the root CA certificate used in the new machine SSL certificate, which is mostly the case, there will be no interruption and no additional operation need to be done on the gateway...