About Alberto L. 转自https://miscircuitos.com/what-are-the-meaning-of-vdd-vss-vcc-vee-and-gnd/ It has always been a bit intriguing and even confusing the nomenclature of thesepower supplyvoltages (VddandVss) or (VccandVee). But Why? The following pictures are worth a thousand words… ...
they were NPN because for some reasons I'm not going to get into, NPN were faster. Back then it made sense to someone that the positive supply voltage would be called Vcc where the "c" stands for collector. Sometimes (but less commonly) the negative supply...
BJT FET "Vxx" meaning Vcc Vdd Positive supply voltage Vee Vss Negative supply, ground Apparently this terminology originated in some way from the terminals of each type of transistor, and their common connections in logic circuits (i.e., Vcc is often applied to BJT collectors, Vee to BJT em...
I t t u rn s o u t that these common voltage terms map to transistor technology as follows: B JT F ET Vxx meaning Vcc Vdd Positive supply voltage Vee Vss Neg ative supply, ground Apparently this t erm in olog y originated i n some w ay f ro m t h e terminals o f each ...
7、e common voltage terms map to transistor technology as follows:BJT FET Vxx meaningVcc Vdd Positive supply voltageVee Vss Negative supply, groundApparently this terminology originated in some way from the terminals of each type of transistor, and their common connections in logic circuits (i.e....
BJT FET "Vxx" meaning Vcc Vdd Positive supply voltage Vee Vss Negative supply, ground Apparently this terminology originated in some way from the terminals of each type of transistor, and their common connections in logic circuits (i.e., Vcc is often applied to BJT collectors, Vee to BJT em...
BJT FET "Vxx" meaning Vcc Vdd Positive supply voltage Vee Vss Negative supply, ground Apparently this terminology originated in some way from the terminals of each type of transistor, and their common connections in logic circuits (i.e., Vcc is often applied to BJT collectors, Vee to BJT em...
BJT FET "Vxx" meaning Vcc Vdd Positive supply voltage Vee Vss Negative supply, ground Apparently this terminology originated in some way from the terminals of each type of transistor, and their common connections in logic circuits (i.e., Vcc is often applied to BJT collectors, Vee to BJT em...