More than anything, it's just simpler and more in the spirit of the web where code runs in the open. Lightweight Runtime A cat will beat a horse in a race that lasts one second. At about 25kb pre-gzip, VCC doesn't make mobile users wait around to get going. Components arrive in...
ClipCap [46] adopts the GPT-2 module as the autoregressive captioning decoder, and its architecture is the same as our suggested network, which acts as the AR baseline for runtime comparison. Additionally, we compare our method with two partially non-autoregressive methods: PNAIC [29] incorporat...
Применение Внутреннее, Рекламное, Наружное Соотношениесторон 16:9 Особенность СенсорныйДисплей Оптимальноеразрешение 1920x108...
How to get the Chilkat version at runtime. top Methods AddCert boolAddCert(CkCert&cert, bool includeChain); Introduced in version9.5.0.44 Adds a certificate, its private key (if it exists), and potentially its certificate chain to the PFX. IfincludeChainis true, then the certificate must ha...
onWritehook can take a lot ofargumentsbut we will need only two of them:promptsandapi. First one is current prompts runtime objects - we will get a prompt id from it and retrieve an answer with this id. To retrieve the answer we'll useasync getAnswer()method from theapi: ...
so the.vuefile might be preferred in this scenario (seePackaging Components for npm > SSR Usagefor details). However, this excludes anyone who wishes to use the component directly in a browser via<script>tag, anyone who uses a runtime-only build, or build processes which don’t understand...