I have an application that runs on windows desktop it runs well on all version of windows 10 and below. When I installed the app on Windows 11 I see a crash. Faulting application name: appname.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x60ce4997 …
In iOS 13 and earlier, the new Swift runtime fails to convert Any? to a protocol value. #2182 7.10.1 - Compilation & Infinity (2023-12-09) Fix Now the CarPlay support (CPListItem) compiles again for iOS SDK 14.0 to 14.4. It was because an undocumented API change in the CPListItem...
Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable Package (x64) is not installed 另外的几种报错形式: ”由于找不到MSVCR120.dll,无法继续执行代码。重新安装程序可能会解决此问题“ ”由于找不到VCRUNTIME140_1.dll,无法继续执行代码。重新安装程序可能会解决此问题“ 都是由于电脑系统缺少部分配置文件引起的,下载 vcred...
If an application is built with those versions of the VC++ runtime files, then they can package the corresponding redistributable packages with their installer in order to install the VC++ runtime files that the app needs. Other than the naming, these redistributa...
runtimeLibraryOption structMemberAlignOption subSystemOption SVCProjectEngine termSvrAwarenessType TypeOfDebugger useOfATL useOfMfc VCActiveXReference VCALinkTool VCAssemblyReference VCBscMakeTool VCCLCompilerTool VCCLCompilerTool 屬性 方法 VCConfiguration VCConfiguration2 VCConfiguration3 VCCustomBuildTool VCDebugSe...
When an app needs VCRUNTIME140_1.dll, Windows will look in its own folders to find it. If it can’t or if the file’s broken, you’ll see the “VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found” error. This can cause the app (or game) to not start or crash midway. It can show different...
LPDISPATCH CMyClientItem::GetIDispatch(){ASSERT_VALID(this);ASSERT(m_lpObject != NULL);LPUNKNOWN lpUnk = m_lpObject;Run(); // must be runningLPOLELINK lpOleLink = NULL;if (m_lpObject->QueryInterface(IID_IOleLink,(LPVOID FAR*)&lpOleLink) == NOERROR){ASSERT(lpOleLink != NULL);lpUnk...
if (!m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic(this, 1, 2)) ""return FALSE; if (!m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CLeftView),CSize(228,100), pContext) ||!m_wndSplitter.CreateView(0,1, RUNTIME_CLASS(CDataEditView), CSize(100, 100), pContext)) ...
Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime - 3.1.25 (x86) Microsoft.DotNet.DesktopRuntime.3_1 It seems that somehow the id for the x64 version has been associated with the name of the x86 version. I suspect this is similar to the bug#1413but I am not sure how to fix it. ...
# Runtime library configuration !IF "$(RTLIBCFG)" == "static" RTLIB = /MT RTLIBD = /MTd !ELSE IF "$(RTLIBCFG)" == "legacy" RTLIBCFG = static RTLIB = /MT RTLIBD = /MTd CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /GS- /arch:IA32 ...