其对应天籁的性能指标也颇具说服力,0-100km/h加速仅需6.42秒,百公里油耗6.6L。这款VC-Turbo发动机经过了300万公里的道路试验,并且在北美还获得了沃德十佳发动机(Ward 10 Best Engine)称号。改变压缩比,压榨燃烧效率 实际上,在日产研发“可变压缩比”技术的同时,也有其他厂商在做同样的技术研究。比如早年间...
他于1990年首次加入日产汽车有限公司发动机研发部门,负责R35 GTR的主要运动部件(活塞、连杆、曲轴)和内孔喷涂技术开发。于2013担任 Powertrain Program Director for Diesel engine一职,主导柴油发动机动力系统的研发工作;2014年担任Chief Powertrain Engineer for VC-TURBO,成为负责VC-Turbo动力系统研发的首席工程师。 #VC...
点击观看英菲尼迪INFINITI VC-Turbo Engine 宣传片 其实看视频大家会觉得这个结构并不难实现,可是对于工作强度十分高的发动机而言,增加一套运动部件需要经过大量的验证以及优化,许多巨头量产失败也就是在这一步上无法通过。英菲尼迪能够实现量产VC-Turbo发动机,不仅仅是技术界的进步,也是汽车行业的一次突破。据厂家透露,这...
日产/Nissan 动力技术路线-e-power,既有电车的动力驾驶体验又不用担心续航,進化し続けるe-POWER——電動化の時代を切り拓く、日産のテクノロジー 53 -- 4:39 App 【リーフ_ノート_エクストレイル】雪上で活きる1_10,000秒の制御技術! 99 -- 0:54 App 日产/Nissan Intelligent Power on the Niss...
When the EGR rate is increased in a VC-Turbo engine, the combined effect of piston sliding and exhaust gas condensation at the top dead center accelerates the corrosive wear of the thermal spray coating. Stainless steel coating is used to improve the corrosion resistance, but the adhesion ...
Development of a New 2L Gasoline VC-Turbo Engine with the World's First Variable Compression Ratio Technology A new 2L gasoline turbo engine, named KR20DDET was developed with the world's first mass-producible variable compression turbo (VC-Turbo) technology using ... S Kojima,S Kiga,K ...
Turbocharger Cartridge for Renault Clio 1.5 K9K engine BV39 54399880080 7701477404 turbos core US$40.00-50.00 / Piece Universal Electric Water Pump A2C59514607 for BMW Auxiliary Pump 0392553 US$117.00-125.00 / Piece Turbocharger Car Auto Parts ...
Engine TypeZD30ETi | 229 ZD30ETi | 123ZD30ET Cooled TypeOil cooled Fuel TypeDiesel Power113 KW | 116 KW | 154 HP | 158 HP Build1999- Capacity3.0 L | 3000 ccm OEM No.724639-0002 CertificateCE/BV/GMC/TUV/ISO9001/TS16949 BrandTANBO...
Engine Model:4JH1-TC 77 Turbo Model:RHF5 Engine Power:157kw Size:OEMcm G.W:6.5kg Turbine Material:K18 Power:157kw Displacement:OEMl Name:Turbocharger RHF5 Turbo Charger For Isuzu VC430056 Item name:VC430056 Cooled Type:Water cooled Fuel Type:Diesel Brand:Tanboress Warranty:12 Months Certif...
Engine and Engine Parts: Starter, Generator, Brackets, Crankshaft, Bolts and Nuts, Bearings, Oil Seal, Piston, Rings, Cylinder, Filters, Belts, Valves, Pipes, Air Compressor, Main Bearing Bush, Thrust Bush, Oil Pump etc. Gearbox and Gearbox Pa...