IsArray(variablename) '返回一个布尔值,指示指定的输入变量是否是数组变量 msgbox("Line 1 : " & IsArray(Array(1,2,3))) msgbox("Line 1 : " & IsArray("sdfadd")) 4.ReDim语句 ’用于声明动态数组变量并分配或重新分配存储空间 ReDim [Preserve] varname(subscripts) [, varname(subscripts)] ...
It is essentially a list of values that can be accessed using a single variable name. To create a one-dimensional array in Excel VBA, you can declare it using the Dim statement, specifying the data type of the elements and the number of elements in the array. Code: Sub OneDimensional...
Dim variable_name As variable_type数据类型在程序编写中,定义一个变量的数据类型,首先是表示它的存储形式。 其次是通知编译程序使用变量的数据 vba定义function 双精度 单精度 整型 转载 mob64ca140ee96c 10月前 145阅读 vbafunction数组vba的数组 一数组array1.1 什么是数组?具体的例子以这个语句为例子arr1=array...
' Declare array variables. Dim NumArray(10) As Integer ' Integer array. Dim StrVarArray(10) As String ' Variable-string array. Dim StrFixArray(10) As String * 10 ' Fixed-string array. Dim VarArray(10) As Variant ' Variant array. Dim DynamicArray() As Integer ' Dynamic array...
Type StateData CityCode (1 To 100) As Integer ' Declare a static array. County As String * 30 End Type Dim Washington(1 To 100) As StateData 在上述範例中CityCode, StateData 包含靜態數位,而且記錄Washington的結構與 StateData相同。 當您在使用者定義型別內宣告固定大小的陣列時,其維度必須使...
PublicNumberAsInteger' Public Integer variable.PublicNameArray(1To5)AsString' Public array variable.' Multiple declarations, two Variants and one Integer, all Public.PublicMyVar, YourVar, ThisVarAsInteger 另请参阅 数据类型 语句 支持和反馈
' Declare array variables. Dim NumArray(10) As Integer ' Integer array. Dim StrVarArray(10) As String ' Variable-string array. Dim StrFixArray(10) As String * 10 ' Fixed-string array. Dim VarArray(10) As Variant ' Variant array. Dim DynamicArray() As Integer ' Dynamic array. Re...
( )Required for array variables. Indicates thatvarnameis an array. typeOptional. Data type of the argument passed to the procedure; may beByte,Boolean,Integer,Long,LongLong,LongPtr,Currency,Single,Double,Decimal(not currently supported),Date,String(variable length only),Object,Variant, a user-de...
Dim variable_name As variable_type数据类型在程序编写中,定义一个变量的数据类型,首先是表示它的存储形式。 其次是通知编译程序使用变量的数据 vba定义function 双精度 单精度 整型 转载 mob64ca140ee96c 10月前 141阅读 vbarecordset数组vbaexcel数组 因为数组也是变量,所以,你必须用声明其它变量的类似方法声明数组...
目录1.返回列标 2.返回列标2 3.查询某一值第num次出现的值 4.返回当个人所得税 5.从形如"123545ABCDE"的字符串中取出数字 6.从形如"ABCD12455EDF"的字符串中取出数字 7.按SplitType取得RangeName串值中