Sub GetStringArrayLength() Dim myArray() As String Dim arrayLength As Integer ' 初始化数组 myArray = Array("Apple", "Banana", "Cherry") ' 获取数组长度 arrayLength = UBound(myArray) - LBound(myArray) + 1 ' 输出数组长度 MsgBox "String Array Length: " & arrayLength End Sub 4...
在VBA中,可以通过使用UBound函数来获取二维数组的长度。 语法格式: UBound(数组名, 维数)。 其中,数组名为要求长度的数组名称,维数为要求的维数。如果是二维数组,维数应为2。 例子: Sub GetArrayLength()。 Dim arr(1 To 3, 1 To 4) As Integer。 MsgBox "数组的行数为:" & UBound(arr, 1)。 MsgBox...
Sub DetermineArrayLength() Dim myArray(1 To 5) As Integer Dim arrayLength As Integer arrayLength = UBound(myArray) - LBound(myArray) + 1 MsgBox "Array length: " & arrayLength End Sub 在上述示例中,我们声明了一个包含5个元素的整数数组myArray。通过使用UBound和LBound函数,我们计算出数组的长...
Sub SplitStringByLength() Dim str As String Dim length As Integer Dim start As Integer Dim result() As String Dim i As Integer str = "这是一个测试字符串,用于演示拆分字符串的功能。" length = 5 start = 1 ReDim result(1 To Int(Len(str) / length) + 1) For i = 1 To Int(Len(...
Dim arr As Variant,upperBound As Integer arr = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) upperBound = UBound(arr) 计算数组的长度: Dim length As Integer length = UBound(arr) - LBound(arr) + 1 使用Transpose函数将数组的行列转换 Dim arr As Variant, arrTransposed As Variant arr = Range("A1:B3").Value...
If Length< 1 Then MsgBox "参数Length必须大于0!" Exit Function End If '可以调整这些字符来生成想含有的字符的字符串 vCharacters = Array("a", "b", "c","d", _ "e", "f", "g", "h","i", "j", _ "k", "l", "m", "n","o", "p", _ ...
Dim 数组名() as 变量类型 数组名 = Array(初始化列表) 2.字典 字典声明: dim d set d= CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") dim d as object 字典的属性: CompareMode的参数值说明: 字典的方法: 四、功能语句 1.if判断 if(判断语句) then
Public Function get_point() As POINTAPI '获取鼠标位置 GetCursorPos get_point 'MsgBox get_point.X & "," & get_point.Y End Function UBound(array) '判断窗体是否打开(仅非模式有效) If form1.Visible = True then
Public Function get_point() As POINTAPI '获取鼠标位置 GetCursorPos get_point 'MsgBox get_point.X & "," & get_point.Y End Function '获取数组元素数 UBound(array) '判断窗体是否打开(仅非模式有效) If form1.Visible = True then
j = UBound(ParamLongs) 'Get the upper parameter array bound For i = 0 To j 'For each parameter .Params(i) = ParamLongs(i) 'Store the parameter in the parameter block Next i ' ' .ParamCount = i 'Store the parameter count (j 1) ...